BRUCE BANNER || His sacrifice

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After working for god only knows how long, Bruce found a cure to the hulk. It was a purple substance that would- in theory- stop hulk from being able to emerge. He called your cell to tell you, you didn't answer. He messaged you telling you to call him back. He began to clean the workshop when the phone rang, it was you.

He answered excitedly, "Y/N, babe, I've done it, I have the cure!"

The response came through muffled and deep, the voice strained and odd, it definitely wasn't you, "Dr Banner, good you've completed the cure. We need it."

Panic flooded through Bruce, why did he have your phone? "Who are you, where's Y/N!?" He demanded. The man on the other end of the line chuckled to himself,

"she's here, we have her. When you drop off the cure to the abandoned warehouse beside the docks, you can have her back."

Bruce was so worried, "okay. Okay, you can have it. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Hurry Dr Banner, Y/N won't be safe here much longer." Bruce ran to his car and drove as fast as he could to the warehouse as discussed.

He practically drifted and stopped, getting out of the car before it'd fully stopped. He was greeted by six men, all heavily armed but one, he sounded like the man on the phone, "cure, now. Then you get the girl."

Bruce sadly tosses him a vile, the only amount of cure he had and watched as the man put it in his pocket. That was the last time Bruce would see it. He also requested the papers and all notes describing the syrum and put them in a fire in an oil drum. Bruce cringed as all his work burned. Two more men shoved you out of the warehouse towards Bruce and he grabbed you, holding you closer than ever before. He helped you into the car and drove out of there faster than the car had ever gone before. The only thing he cared about was you. And that you were safe.


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