TONY STARK • Upon returning

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Tony was like a father to you. Seeing him after Thanos' snap, grieving Peter and his friend's deaths... it broke your heart. You tried your best to console him, to help him as best you could, but his broken soul couldn't be mended.

"Y/N. Please. Leave me alone." Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. There he sat, in old clothes from days before, in front of a playing movie on a TV.

"Tony... no. You need he-"

"Don't you dare tell me I need help, Y/N. I don't. I'm fine." Tony cut you off before you could even finish your sentence, dismissing you away with his hand. You hesitated, eventually leaving before the situation became worse.

As you left the room, Natasha met you in the doorway, her face full of grief. She gave you a look, asking you how he was. When you shook your head, she pulled you into a hug, her arms gripping onto you tightly. You wanted to help Tony... but he just wouldn't budge. You can tell he had been crying- his eyes were always red- but you never saw a single tear leave his face. You felt as if you were being pulled from the inside out, the pain overtaking the happiness in your body.

The memory of him returning from Titan burned in the back of your mind. It was terrible. Heart wrenchingly painful. Being taken to Earth by Nebula, Tony walked off the ship, cradling the hand that was covered in some sort of dust. You couldn't describe the absolute agony you felt when you discovered that the 'dust' was in fact Peter, your closest and most valued friend.

You remember holding Tony with every piece of strength you had left, sobbing into his shoulder. He wasn't the same after returning. You hadn't seen a smile or laugh even flicker across his face since he reentered Earth.

Tony was broken... and you didn't know how to fix him.

The editing has been done... whew

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