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The little girl, no older than 8, ran around the hospital with tears in her eyes. Her golden hair flowed behind her as she weaved between stranger. Her head peered into every doorway, simply looking for a doctor. Just as she rounded another busy corner, she saw a man in dark scrubs who was holding a clipboard. A doctor. She slowed down to a brisk walk, beelining towards him.

"Excuse... um excuse-use me?" She said shyly, wiping away the tears that began to form as she spoke. The man did a double take, looking down at her small frame.
"Hello?" He asked in response.
"Are you a doctor?" She swallowed thickly, staring up at him. He nodded.
"Doctor Strange."
"Well I'm, I'm Susie. Can you please-se help me find my Aunt May? I've lost her."

Dr Strange chuckled back at Susie, flashing her a sympathetic smile. "I'm a Doctor, little Susie. Go away and find a nurse, they'll help you."
Young Susie felt a pang of sadness go through her. She couldn't bare to be away from her aunt any longer. She was already an anxious child as it was, and having to go up to another stranger to request help would be too much for her. So she stared at the Doctor, Doctor Strange, with pitiful eyes, begging for assistance.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Dr Strange sighed and rolled his eyes. "Come on, child. Let's go." He huffed, grabbing her wrist softly, "now. What does your Aunt May look like?"


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