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You'll never forget the day you met the love of your life.


You sat alone at one of the long benches in the coffee shop, tapping away on your laptop. Occasionally, you took a bite of your brownie before pushing up your glasses, eyes remaining trained on the laptop. You looked at hundreds of pictures, fine combing through them to discover the best ones. You did this quite a lot, but it never got any faster. If anything, it got slower. You were more critical of yourself, wanting to ensure you got the best pictures possible, before editing those few further.

You sighed angrily to yourself as a man sat across from you. He looked to you worriedly, "sorry, do you want me to move?" He asked politely, going to sit up. You pulled one of your earphones out. His British accent was beautiful.

"No no, you're totally fine there! I'm just getting angry at my computer." You smiled softly at him, "I just accidentally unfavourited a bunch of these photos, so I'm going to have to sort through again."
The man seemed interested, his eyebrows raising.

"Sorry I don't mean to intrude, but did you say photos? Are you a photographer by any chance?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I am actually. I just finished a shoot a while ago. Did you want to have a look?"

The man smiled, "I'd love to, if you don't mind."

You spun the laptop around so he could see it, coming around the side of the table. You were on the end of the table, so you could easily show him and click through the images.

"Now these are unedited, so don't judge." You shrugged, beginning to go through some pictures.
He was so sweet (and not to mention cute), asking questions and giving compliments frequently. It made you happy that he loved and was so interested in your photography.

You eventually introduced yourself formally to him, learning that his name was Tom. You liked that name. Tom. It was cute.

You separated after a good few hours of talking and getting to know each other. You left that coffee shop with his number, and a new friend.


You'll never forget the day you met the love of your life.


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