4. Riding With The New Boy And Brother

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As soon the other guy say he won't harm me, I be like okay fine because I don't usually ride with stangers. It's not safe because they might most likely rob you but the other guy who in the passenger seat is fine as hell. I can tell this guy is mixed.
"What's your name?" The guy on the passenger asked.
"Tiara yours" I said taking another sip of my juice.
"I'm Jadian the guy who driving is my crazy ass brother Jordan." The guy said
"Wow man that's embarrassing." The guy who driving said look like he wants to stopped at the middle of the road and beat the hell out of him. The whole ride was fun until I got out of the car.
"Yo are you going to give me your number first?" Jadian asked. I gave him my number and got out of the car.

I got this thick babe number. I'll probably going to called her tomorrow because I'm tired. "Umm Jordan, we better get the hell out of here before somebody think that we going to kidnapped her and shit." I said knowing how some overprotective parents is.
"Oh my bad Jay!" He said drove off and bump to 2Pac on our way back before my grandma start cussing us out for taking too long.

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