An Explanation

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Hello my fellow readers! I hope you are having a lovely day!

For those of you who just got a notification saying the next chapter was published, that was a mistake.

Unfortunately I do not have the next chapter ready yet sadly. I was typing in the car and we hit a bump by running over a pothole and my finger slipped and accidentally hit the publish button.

So since the chapter is not ready yet I had to immediately unpublish it so that way things couldn't get spoiled or anything. Plus it's kind of hard to read at the moment as well because I'm not writing it in order and there are paragraphs all over the place at the moment. So it would be pretty hard to understand.

With that being said I think it's only fair to explain why there isn't a chapter up yet in general. I know I was supposed to have one up in early January and now it's February and I still don't have one up yet which sucks and is very bad on my part. I understand how patiently you guys are waiting.

However I promise that I'm not blowing it off and that i haven't forgotten about it.

The reason I don't have one up yet is because I went through a lot of family drama during my Christmas break off of school and it caused me to get very stressed out and develop major writer's block.

I don't really feel comfortable explaining specifically what the drama was at the moment because it stresses me out more when I talk about it too much.

However I can tell you that it was a lot for me to deal with at the time and I couldn't write for several weeks straight and really went in the dumps for awhile.

I am currently still going through that same family drama and I am still very stressed from time to time. However my writer's block has started to go away a little and isn't that bad anymore. So with that being said I have started writing again and it is starting to come together a little better now.

However it is taking me a little longer than normal to write decently and that's why there still isn't a chapter up yet. My brain is a little hectic right now so I'm still trying to figure everything out.

I have a decent chunk of the chapter written already. However it's not in order really and the paragraphs are all over the place so I have to get it organized before I can start to write more and get it finished.

The chapter will be coming soon later this month. I don't know when exactly because of how hectic everything is right now. But I do know it will be sometime later this month. Probably within the next week or two weeks most likely.

It won't be this week because my birthday is on Friday and I'm spending this weekend with my friends and family. However it will be coming soon and I deeply apologize for it taking so long.

I just had to take a mental health break for awhile because I was so stressed at the time. But I am starting to feel a little better now and I hope you guys can be patient with just a little longer. I promise I will have it up soon.

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