Chapter Four - My Beautiful Rose

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Lestat's POV

Rose will be 15 today. I'm looking forward to visiting her. Not that I don't already visit her enough already. Her father has increased his distance from her life by leaving from leaving up to a few days to a few weeks at a time. But unfortunately this has left a bigger toll on her. But she manages to pull through, and she seems to be relieved that I'm by her side as much as possible. She seems to be doing well though when I can't be by her side. She does this by turning to her literature and music to keep her company when I can't. But I know it's starting to bother her, she doesn't show it but I've read her thoughts. She's breaking inside, but she's a strong girl.

Rose was in the living room of her house, pacing across the room with her nose in a book when I arrived. I had gotten the book for her last week. It was called Night. I told her how it had some traumatizing events in it. But she brushed the idea from her mind. What I also admire about her is that violence doesn't terribly affect her too much. She accepted it and recognized that it was a part of life.

As I started to walk near her, she looked up from her book and smiled. She was in a white lace dress that just barely reached her knees. Her hair fell past her shoulders and her angelic features seemed to brighten the room around her. God, she's beautiful. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She was maturing into a bright woman. The way her dress showed off her long legs and hugged her chest which revealed the shape of her breasts was breathtaking. She must have known I was looking at her beautiful form because she asked me with a suspicious look in her eyes "What are you staring at?" 

"Nothing," I lied, trying to change to subject.

"I thought we agreed that you would never lie to me Lestat." She said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Clever girl." I said with a smirk on my face.

"That's what everyone's been saying." She responded. She then started to walk into the other room, but I pulled her into my arms and wrapped them around her. I then started to plant kisses on her forehead.

"We're going somewhere special today." I whispered in her ear.

"Where?" She asked excitedly. 

"Close your eyes and you'll find out." I said with an amused expression on my face. After she closed her eyes, she rested her head against my chest. We then flew up into the air. I placed one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her head.

When we arrived on the roof top of a building,  I had Rose keep her eyes shut so she wouldn't see the surprise right away. I then grabbed her hand and guided her along roof. When we approached a glass door, I turned my head to make sure her eyes were still shut before opening it slowly. I then grabbed her hand again and led her inside.

"Open your eyes." I said gliding my finger along her cheek. She then slowly opened her blue eyes and glimpsed at the room in shock.

"A greenhouse full of roses?!" She stared at me in awe. I nodded yes with a smirk on my face.

"It's beautiful!" She said rushing into my arms. I embraced her back greedily not wanting to let her go. She then looked back at the flowers that surrounded the room.

"Can I touch them?" she asked.

 "Of course" I responded. She then started to walk slowly towards a bush  full of fresh roses and glided her hand along every flower and every petal. She treated every flower like gold because in her mind it was.

"They're beautiful," she said picking one up out of the bush. I walked up slowly behind her and whispered slowly in her ear

"You're beautiful, my love." I blurted out. It just rolled out of my mouth. I knew that it was too late to take it back now. Rose was struck by my words for a minute. She was unsure of what to say. It was the first time I had called her beautiful. And the first time I had called her my love. I was afraid she would react negatively. But instead she smiled warmly at me.

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