Chapter Seven - Lover

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Lestat's POV

Rose has been resting up the past few days to give her wound time to heal. When I brought her home that night she was very weak and had lost a lot of blood. But it wasn't fatal, so I patched up her wounds and have been letting her rest. At first, I thought she would distance herself from me while she was healing but she didn't.

In fact, she seemed to trust me more now. She even lets me take care of her when she needs it. But she's curious, I can tell by the way she looks at me from time to time. I'm afraid that when I tell her the whole story she'll run away. It feels like that's the way it always turns out, me alone.

When I awoke from my coffin I thought Rose would be up by now but she was asleep on the couch. I always enjoy seeing her sleep. She can remember almost every dream she has no matter how bizarre things get. I walked quietly towards her and started to slowly brush her hair as she slept. I didn't intend to wake her up but her eyes started to flutter open.

"Go back to sleep my love," I said brushing her hair one last time before getting up to walk in the other room. But before I got very far I felt her grab my hand. I turned around walked back to her. I sat down next to her on the couch. I pulled her hand to my mouth and planted kisses on it. She then rested her head against my chest and I started brushing her hair again. "I take it you're no longer mad at me."

"I was never mad at you Lestat, I was just scared that's all. You just had this look in your eye was just scary that's all."

"What do you see now," I asked with curiosity? 

"I see someone I love very much." She then pressed her lips against mine. It shocked me for a moment but then I started to remember the taste of her lips and craved more. I moaned as I pulled away from her. " are making it very hard for me to behave myself."

"Please just for now and then you can tell me about all of it later, your story and anything else you want ."

"Rose" I groaned as she continued to plant kisses on my face and along my mouth as she climbed on my lap. I couldn't hold it back any longer, I wanted more of her. I started to groan with pleasure as our lips finally started moving in sync. She started moving her hands through my hair gently and persistently. I started trailing kisses along the side of her cheek then eventually reached the sweet spot on her neck. I trailed my fangs along her neck as I kissed it, not biting but nibbling on it as I repeated the process again. Each time my fangs glided along her neck I heard a moan escape her lips. She pulled my head back up and our lips met once again in perfect sync. I bit down on her lip, not very hard but enough to make her gasp. Then my tongue slid into her mouth and stroked hers gently and slowly.

She then gave me one final kiss before breaking apart and slowly getting off my lap. I groaned as she broke away still craving her touch. "You have a story to tell," she said.

I almost didn't want to tell her now, I was afraid of losing her. "Rose...are you sure you want this?" She nodded as she sat down next to me. "Well to start off, do you know what I am Rose?"

"A vampire, that part was easy to figure out." "Oh..really," I respond with amusement in my eyes. "Lestat you've seen how many books I've read, vampires showed up sooner or later among those books."

"Clever girl," I said. "Do you always feed on people," she asked? "Mainly yes, I can feed on animals but it's not as satisfying."

"I see, why have vegetables when you can have candy right?"

"Something like that, but now if you don't mind I would like to tell you the story."

"I was born November 7th, 1760 in Auvergne, France. I was also the youngest in my family as well and had two brothers that were older than me. My father was blind so... responsibility fell on us most of the time. I had nothing much going for me considering I had no prospects and any land and any money that my father left behind would most likely go to my oldest brother Augustin. I was being educated in the monastery but my father took me away from that. I eventually got into acting and was planning to leave my village with an acting troop I'd become fascinated with, but my brothers took me away from that too."

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