Chapter Thirteen - The Concert

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Rose's POV

When I woke up Louis was still lying next to me, sound asleep. I went to move and get up because I was thirsty but Louis immediately grabbed onto me and pulled me to his chest. I smiled and began to trail kisses along his jaw, causing him to moan. He then rolled on top of me and began to trail kisses along my neck. 

"Louis---I'm thirsty. I have to get up."

"Drink from me."

"No---I can't keep doing that to you."

"Yes you can Ma Chérie. Drink."

I then sunk my fangs into his neck and began to drink from him slowly. When I pulled away he began to kiss me softly, licking the blood that dripped down my mouth. Then he rolled back over to his side and pulled me close to him. He began to stare at me with those eyes of his causing me to smile and blush. 

"It's a crime you know Louis."

"What is?"

"Those eyes---"

"Not as much of a crime as yours are."

Louis then kissed me gently on the forehead and let me drift back off to sleep.


When I woke up Louis was gone. So I got out of bed and  went to find something to wear. I spotted a dress draped against a chair on the other side of the room. Louis must have brought it for me. How sweet! It was another pink lace dress with a flower pattern on it. After I slipped it on, I opened the door that led into the hall and made my way downstairs to find Louis.

I found him in the living room listening to those old songs he likes to listen to. He was looking out a very tall window when I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He then smiled and turned around to face me. He lifted my hand to his lips and planted a kiss on it.

"So this is what  you like to listen to?" 

Louis then laughed and pulled me close to him. 

"Dance with me."

He then wrapped his arm around my waist and took my hand into his. We then began to sway to the music and looked deeply into each other's eyes. Occasionally Louis would twirl me around and then pull me back to his chest. 

As the song ended Louis pulled me into a kiss, catching me off guard. I instantly responded to his touch and kissed him back. I began to tug onto his bottom lip causing him to moan. He then pushed me against the wall using his vampire speed and wrapped my legs around his waist. He then rammed his lips against mine and pressed his body against me. He bit down my lower lip causing me to gasp. Taking the opportunity, he slowly slid his tongue into my mouth. As his tongue began to stroke mine I took his jacket off and threw it to the floor. I then started to unbutton his shirt, causing him to smile and trail kisses along my jaw, slowly moving towards my neck, causing me to moan. 

"Bite me Louis."

I then felt him began to nip gently on my neck. He was about to sink his fangs in when a tall figure appeared at the other end of the room.

"Well---don't you two look comfy together."


Louis groaned and turned to look at him. 

"Can this wait?"

"No it can't brave one."

After kissing me once more Louis gently set me down on the ground. He then started to button his shirt back up and picked his jacket up off the floor. 

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