Chapter Thirty One - A Visitor

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Author's Note: Prepare for a surprise! *evil grin*

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Author's Note: 
Prepare for a surprise! *evil grin*

It's a shorter chapter than usual, 
but I still put a bunch of effort and hours into it.

I hope you like it! I've rewritten this thing at least 5 times, that's why it's been taking me so long, despite it being shorter than usual.

I was planning to have Derrick's backstory in this chapter which was originally what was supposed to make it a long chapter, but I decided to wait until the next chapter to tell his backstory because I feel that deserved a chapter all by itself.

Rose's POV

I slept much easier that night after Louis finished reading to me. He ended up reading to me for hours it seemed like. Time just flew by so fast. I made sure to take in every word he said. He never failed to capture my attention.

He must have read at least seven different poems to me. I began to feel sleepier and sleepier with each passing second. By the third or fourth poem my eyes started to feel very heavy. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. 

Louis noticed this and saw that I was starting to get sleepy. He then put the book down and began to sing softly to me in my ear, making me feel even sleepier. The singing helped ease my worries though.

His voice was so soothing, it helped calm me down a lot so I wasn't scared to go to sleep anymore. Louis knew that it would help me. I could see it in his eyes. He was willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I was happy. 

I remember falling asleep against his chest, snuggled up against him tightly. I was afraid the nightmares would happen again. And they did. But they weren't as severe though, I didn't wake up screaming like last time. 

They did wake me up though. I had tears in my eyes the first time. Louis was asleep in the bed next to me. I must have woken him up because his body stirred when I got up from his chest, causing his eyes to slowly flutter open. 

When he saw me crying he quickly sat up and began to brush the tears from my face. He then planted several kisses on my forehead to reassure me that he was here for me. He then pulled me to his chest and let me snuggle up against him until I fell asleep again.  

I only woke up one more time after that. But I didn't cry too much the second time, because I knew the only way I was going to get better was if I didn't let the nightmares get to me so much. Louis was still asleep when I woke up the second time. I made sure not to make too much noise because I knew he needed his sleep. 

As one tear started to slide down my face, I began to worry about Lestat again. I know Marius said I just have to focus on myself in order for the nightmares to stop. But it just isn't that easy sometimes, especially since these dreams feel so real. It is getting easier though, slowly. 

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