Chapter Twelve - Blood Games

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Rose's POV

Louis has been looking for Lestat these past few weeks. He hasn't had much luck because it's impossible to find any trace of him. I offered to help him but he wouldn't let me because lately the the word Lestat has been a vulnerable subject for me. Louis just doesn't want to upset me so he's trying to keep me out of it. It's beginning to be quite stressful for him. When he isn't looking for Lestat he's either reading in his library (which I later found out to be the room I woke up in) or making sure I'm well fed. I slowly but surely was able to upgrade my self to blood bags, but I still refuse to feed on a human. I hated it, there were days I tried to sneak around it and not feed at all. But Louis could always tell because my mood was different. 

There were also days where I would break down in tears because it was often too much for me. Louis always got this sad look on his face when I cried. I think somehow he felt my pain because he had been through it himself. The transition can be one of the hardest things he would say to me. He still lets me feed on him from time to time, when the days are really bad for me. He does not only because it's easier for me, but because I think he somewhat likes it himself. But he rarely admits it, at least he hasn't since that kiss in his coffin. 

He hasn't kissed me on the lips since that night. I mean he occasionally kisses me on the cheek or my forehead but he did that stuff before that one night in the coffin. I think part of him feels guilty for it. But I know he still has feelings for me, it shows when he looks at me. It's almost as if he's a lion in a cage, and he's waiting for me to unlock the door. 


Rose's POV

Present Day

My father's body was found about an hour ago in Lestat's apartment. It was now the top story on the news channel. On the radio they were talking about how he died from an animal attack. I laughed as I heard it because it made no sense, there was no way an animal could have attacked him in that apartment. People will make anything up as long as it gives them a story. 

But reality started to hit me hit and I started to cry. He may have been an asshole, but he was my father. Louis of coursed rushed to my side as soon as he heard me crying. He wiped the tears away so that I didn't get my clothes all bloody. He then carried me to the library and set me down on the bed. He then knelt down beside me and looked up at me with those green eyes of his. He does it to make me feel better because he knows how his eyes affect me. He knows that all he has to do to make me smile is at me with those eyes of his. Sure enough it worked and a small smirk appeared on my face. 

"You know I hate it when you do that."

He then started to laugh at me. I began to glare at him which caused him to smile even more. He knows that I can't stay mad at him very long. But before I could say something  I started to feel very dizzy and---- thirsty. Louis noticed this and his look changed from happy to serious real quickly. 

"You didn't fed again did you?"

I shook my head. He brushed a piece of hair from my forehead and a look of sadness appeared on his face. I hated doing this to him, but I was still having trouble adjusting to it all. It was just too much for me to handle sometimes. 

"How did it feel Louis---when you didn't want to feed on humans?"

"It felt like this."

Louis rested his forehead against mine and didn't say anything for several minutes. He knew my pain, and he was trying to find a way to fix it. He just didn't know how. 

He then got up and made his way to a chair that was next to the bed. I knew what he was doing even before he took his jacket off. He wanted me to feed from him again. Even though he said how it didn't hurt him, I couldn't help but feel otherwise. I always felt sad afterwards. I hope there will be a day where I'm not so sad all the time because all this vampire crap is driving me nuts. Louis said it affects everyone differently and that it depends on who you were before you were turned. 

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