Chapter Eighteen - More Like Him

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Marius's POV

Ever since Lestat returned with Rose the night of the funeral, he hasn't let her out of his sight. His attachment to her has grown rather out of control. Wherever she goes----he follows. He's even made it so they feed on the same person now. He doesn't go out to hunt by himself anymore. Rose is always with him.

I think part of this has to do with my return----and partially because of Louis. Lestat is not happy with him right now. He won't even let me bring him up. It's obvious that his attachment for Rose has caused him to set up boundaries when it comes to her. He doesn't let me near her unless he is in the same room.

I thought that Rose might end up resisting to Lestat's possessiveness. But she hasn't. He's got his teeth dug in her so deep that she's actually starting to become more like him. She's starting to feed on humans more and more. Lestat has been teaching her how to play with them before the kill.

She's actually getting quite good at it----playing with them. It's starting to worry me. She's even started to get his devilish grin when she plays with him. I fear that she's actually starting to enjoy it. Lestat is amused by her of course and couldn't be more proud.

I've tried talking to him but it's no use. He likes the way she's changing---I can see it in his eyes. It's what he's always wanted. But that's Lestat----he always gets what he wants. The grin that he gets on his face when he's around her reveals everything. She was his----and only his. And he wasn't going to give her up---not now---not ever.

Lestat thrives in Rose's progress as a vampire. He teaches her new things everyday---new way to kill---new ways to learn. He's even managed to get her to climb the wall and learn to prey from above. He enjoys watching Rose lure them in.

He does this by watching from above when she brings the victims into the mansion. The victims chosen however--often fight back. Sometimes they are even rude to Rose---trying to disrespect her with their words. But what they don't know is that she's his girl----and that he's extremely protective of her. He will kill for her---without blinking. So god help anyone who disrespected the brat prince's girl.

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