Chapter Eleven - Awake

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Rose's POV 

I woke up screaming in a place unfamiliar to me. I was in a dark room, it was almost pitch black because there weren't any windows. The only source of light was coming from the hallway through the crack of the bedroom door. I was in a large king sized bed with charcoal colored sheets and pillows. They both had flower patterns on them. I slowly pushed the covers off me and got out of the bed. The floor was cold against my bare feet, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms. 

I then made my way to the wall near the door to try and find a light switch. After tripping on some objects along the way, I couldn't tell what they were, I finally found the switch and turned on the lights. The light blinded me for a second, causing me to have to rub my eyes. After I opened them again I found out that the objects that I had tripped over were books. There were piles of them all over the floor. A lot of them also occupied several bookcases that were lined up along the wall as well. Other than that there really wasn't much else in the room besides two end tables on either sides of the bed. 

Where am I?

I began to shiver as a slight breeze ran through the room. It was then that I realized that I wasn't in my dress like I normally was. Instead I was in a light purple tank top with plaid pink shorts. I didn't remember having these clothes before.

I tried to figure out how I might have gotten to this place, in this room. But I couldn't think of anything. My brain felt foggy and I couldn't remember a thing. The last thing I remembered was saying goodbye to Louis before he left to go feed. 

Why can't I remember?

I didn't know whether I should go back to sleep or explore my surroundings to get somewhat of an idea of where I was. My brain was telling me to explore, but my body said to rest. I did feel very weak...and thirsty now that I think of it. But sleeping and putting of the inevitable just didn't seem like the right thing for me to do at the moment. So after I gave myself a bit of a pep talk, I slowly opened the door and made my way out into the hallway. 

This place was massive! There were several doors all lined up along the hallway leading into two different directions. One way lead to a dead end. There was a large window at the end of it with an end table beneath it. The table had two lit candles glowing on it. Beside the candles were a rosary and a pack of matches. I made my way to the window and looked outside. I knew right away that I was on the second floor of what seemed to be a massive mansion. Looking down at the ground below made my stomach feel funny so I looked back up. It was night time and the stars were out. They looked beautiful. 

The mansion had tall walls around it for privacy and a gate that led to the sidewalk near the streets. Watching the pedestrians walk past the gates gave me a strange feeling of curiosity. They wore different clothes then the people I usually saw on the streets where I lived. The buildings outside the walls of the mansion were shaped different too and they looked ancient. I knew that I was in a different city. 

I turned my attention away from the city and towards the rosary that was lying on the table. I picked it up and ran my fingers along the beads on it. Then I looked at the cross. Oh my god! It was made of pure gold! It must have costed a fortune! I instantly laid the rosary back down on the table so I didn't dirty it with my fingerprints any further. 

I then turned around and started making my way down the other end of the hall. I took a peek into the rest of the rooms as I made my way down the hallway. Most of them were  just more bedrooms, only these ones had windows in them. Strange. Why would all these rooms have windows but not the one I was in?  

One room I looked at was a study with a desk placed against the wall. It also had several bookcases  in it like the room I was in. Another room I assumed was a place of leisure because it had three long couches placed in the center of it. The rest were all just bedrooms. 

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