Chapter Thirty Three - Love Blooming

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Rose's POV

After I went back to sleep that night, I was a little worried that Louis would try to go after Lestat again when I wasn't looking. I know that he's just trying to protect me, but I didn't want him doing anything reckless.

I knew Lestat was stronger than all of us, except maybe Marius. Marius could probably kick all our asses. But if Louis tried to take Lestat on in a fight, it would end in a bloodbath. Plus Lestat would most likely have Akasha with him. And I knew she would kill Louis the minute she saw him.

I couldn't just let Louis go get himself killed. He didn't deserve to die. If anything, I should be the one to die. I'm the reason all this was happening. If I had just stayed dead, Akasha would have never been resurrected. If I had never been turned, none of this would have happened.

But as much as I wanted to change things, I knew that I couldn't. Plus I knew that Louis and Marius wouldn't want me to be so hard on myself. Especially Louis. He loved me more than anything, and he didn't want to he see me upset.

I knew that he had spent most of his immortal life in a dark place. When he was first turned it wasn't so bad. But then when he realized that he had to kill, eternity didn't seem as glorious as Lestat made it seem.

There was a brief period of bliss when Claudia was alive, Louis cared for her deeply. She meant everything to him. She was like a daughter to him, his beloved. He would've done anything for her.

Claudia made him happy in a way. To the point where eternity was almost bearable. I mean of course there were times where she drove him absolutely bonkers, but he still loved her nevertheless.

And without Lestat there to torment them, all they had were each other. But when Claudia died, it was back to square one again for Louis. I think that's part of the reason why he didn't want me to be so hard on myself, he didn't want me to suffer in misery like he did for so long.

That's why he wanted to go after Lestat. He didn't want to see me suffer anymore. Mentally or physically. He wanted to put an end to all this nonsense. And he was willing to do whatever it took to take all my pain away.

I was so scared for him last night though. I almost thought I wasn't going to be able to get him to stay. He looked so angry, I had never seen him so mad before. Louis was always so naturally calm. It wasn't like him to just throw a fit like that.

It was like he had been holding it all in. His frustration. His anger. It must have been building inside him. Making him feel as if he was on the brink of exploding. All it would take is something to trigger him.

And I guess Lestat hurting me was the trigger he needed. Because when he saw my bruises, it was like a switched had been flipped, and a burning fire had been lit beneath him. I had never seen him get mad like that before.

He got so protective and defensive over me. It was a side of him I had never seen until now. Probably because he and Lestat were so different. If Lestat ever got angry about something, he would make sure you knew about it. He was known for throwing a fit.

But Louis, on the other hand, was completely the opposite. I mean sure he got angry and upset about things. He is still a person after all. He has feeling and emotions just like everyone else in the world. But what made him different from Lestat is that he didn't get angry as easily.

And when he did get angry, he tended to mask his emotions so it was often hard to tell that he was upset. It took a lot to really piss him off. And I guess after he saw what Lestat did to me, it was the last straw for him.

He had had enough. He was furious with Lestat and he wanted everyone to know. Especially me. I couldn't say that I blame him though. I understood why Louis acted the way he did. Because at the end of the day, I know his intentions weren't out of anger --- but out of love.

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