Chapter Eight - First Taste

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Lestat's POV

I had to leave Rose's side because dawn was approaching and I had to retreat to my coffin. The good news is that Rose had already fallen asleep and wouldn't be disturbed. I planted a kiss on the edge of her ear before slowly getting out of bed carefully so I didn't wake her. I saw that she wasn't covered up so I pulled a blanket over her so she wouldn't be cold. She moved a little but then remained still which told me I hadn't woken her.

I then slipped on my pants and left the room, closing the door slowly behind me. After a few turns down the hall, I had finally reached my coffin. I really should have fed more when Rose was healing but I couldn't bear to leave her side. The truth is I haven't fed for five days and it's starting to have an effect on me. But I tried not to think about that right now. As the lid of the coffin began to shut and I was enclosed in darkness, I couldn't help but be thrilled that Rose was finally mine.


I was eager to return Rose as soon as possible when I awoke. I practically tore the lid off the coffin as I got out of it. I then realized that I only had pants on and had left my shirt in the bedroom with Rose. So I quickly got a shirt out of the dresser draw before making my out into the living room.

Rose was standing there ready to embrace me. I instantly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I also noticed that she was wearing my shirt from last night as well.

"So that's where my shirt went?" I asked amused by her.

"Well, I didn't really have a choice considering that someone practically ripped my dress off me last night."

"Really? Who would do such a dreadful thing?" I said teasing her playfully as I trailed kisses along her neck.

"I'm serious, that was my favorite dress," she said giggling as I reached that sweet spot on her neck.

"We'll.... I can fix that. I shall get you another one."

"Lestat you can't keep showering me with gifts, it's too much."

"Nonsense, now go get dressed."

Rose looked at me for a moment for reassurance. But after I planted a kiss on her forehead she seemed to feel much better. Then she went off to her room to get dressed.

After she left I was beginning to feel worried that my thirst would get the best of me. I didn't know how much longer I could hold out. Even those little kisses I planted on her neck were enough so I could hear her heart beat and practically feel the blood that moved through her veins. I needed to hunt...soon...before I put Rose in danger.

But not moments later I was pulled from my distressed thinking as Rose emerged from her room. She had her hair in a nice braid as usual and was wearing a light blue blouse with black jeans. I instantly felt much better as soon as I laid my eyes on her. Her hair was as golden as the sun and always seemed to have a shine to it. But what I loved the most was her smile. It may not always come out a lot but when it did, everything seemed to become clearer.

"Lestat you're staring again," she said as she embraced me once more. I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her tight. I then began to trail kisses along her forehead.

"I can't help it. You're just so beautiful."

"Lestat....I know that look, there's something else you're not telling me." She then looked hard at me for a second, as if she was deciphering some sort of puzzle. Then it looked as if a lightbulb had gone off in her head because her eyes grew real wide.

"Lestat...when's the last time you fed?"

"Rose, I'm me."

"No, you're not. You haven't fed enough, I can tell by your color. You're paler than usual and if you had fed recently your skin would have a more pinkish tone to it making you look more human."

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