Chapter Thirty Two - Found

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Authors's Note: Derrick's backstory will be in the next chapter. Until then, enjoy this beautiful mess I have laid out for you. 

Rose's POV

"Next time, I won't be as gentle."

Those were Lestat's final words to me before he fled and left me alone in the woods. His words sent chills throughout my entire body. They echoed through my head over and over again. I kept looking all around me, afraid he was still here somewhere, waiting to pounce again. 

The way he spoke to me, it was so cruel. I could hear the coldness in his voice, it was almost like he hated me with every fiber of his being. He didn't even hesitate to push me up against that tree, nor did he care he was hurting me while doing it.

He used such tremendous force too. I could tell he was using all of his strength. If he had done this to a mere mortal, it would probably have shattered their spine and killed them in the process. 

But thankfully because I was a vampire, that wasn't the case. It did however bruise me really badly. I could feel the pain radiating through my back from the force of the tree. I also felt a lot of pain in my neck where Lestat strangled me. 

I knew I wasn't as strong as Marius or Louis. If they were to face Lestat in a fight like this, they wouldn't have nearly been as hurt as much as I was. Plus they would have more knowledge of how to fight back. I still had much to learn.

I still couldn't get over the way Lestat looked at me as he was choking me. His face had absolutely no emotion, and he was baring his fangs at me as well. It felt like deep down he wanted me to suffer, like he wanted me dead. All I knew was that he wasn't the Lestat that I knew. He was something else. Almost like an animal of some sort, a beast. 

I could see it in his eyes, the way he looked at me. He had rage in his eyes as he shot daggers at me through them. They were full of hatred and hostility, I honestly thought he was going to kill me tonight, finish the job himself and be done with it.

I shuddered at the thought of having to come face to face with him again. As soon as he left I backed myself up against the closest tree and buried my head in my knees for the longest time, afraid he would come back. 

Not that hiding would make much of a difference. If he came back I knew I was done for. He was stronger, faster, and smarter. But that doesn't mean I won't put up a fight. If Akasha wants me, then she's going to have to come and get me herself. 

Because there's no way I'm giving up that easily. I'll fight until my last breath. I have to keep fighting, not just for me, but for Lestat too. I couldn't live with myself if I let him stay like this forever. 

Not to mention that Akasha would wreak havoc on the earth if we let her live. We had to take her down, or she would probably kill almost all of mankind. She would murder billions of innocent people. 

There was just so much pressure on my shoulders now. Because I know what's at stake. I knew that I couldn't sit this one out. And I didn't want to either. There was just so much running through my brain.

Seeing Lestat again made my body and mind go through the ringer. I had so many thoughts running through my head. I knew that if I were to say them out loud I would be speaking a million words a minute. That's how much my brain was a mess right now. 

I also continued to feel sharp stabs of pain throughout my body too. It wasn't just mild pain either. It was a strong and anguishing type of pain. It was hard to focus on anything else. It hurt really bad, but it was bearable.

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