Chapter Nine - An Old Friend

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Rose's POV

I woke up startled to the sound of fighting in the other room. The first voice was Lestat, the other was unrecognizable. It was a man's voice, and it had an angelic tone to it. I immediately brushed the covers off me in a panic and made my way to the bedroom door. As my hand gripped the door handle I immediately froze in place. I realized that I was still in my bra and panties and wasn't dressed. After putting on one of my dresses that were in the dresser and fixing my braid in the bathroom mirror, I made my way to the door once again. I opened it slowly as the shouting on the other side got louder and louder by the second.

I slowly made my way to the living room, shaking and slightly flinching because the shouting reminded me of my father and how he lashed out at me. I had to remind myself several times that I was safe and nothing was going to happen to me before I finally found the source of the argument. Lestat was shouting at some other man with pale skin, long brown hair, and brilliant green eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath. It took me a moment to process what I was hearing, but it sounded like they were fighting about me. I heard Lestat say my name. I wondered who the other man was, he obviously was a vampire because his skin was just as pale as Lestat's and I could slightly see the fangs in is mouth as he shouted back at Lestat. hit me. That was Louis! Lestat's fledgling and former lover from his story. They created Claudia together. I couldn't believe I didn't recognize him right away. He looked exactly like Lestat described him. But... why were they fighting about me? I brushed the thought from my mind and continued to listen as I hid behind the corner of the wall so they didn't see me. I focused on every detail of Louis, mesmerized by his angelic appearance. He looked like a dark angel. Louis... it had a nice ring to it. "Louis." The word rolled out of my mouth before I could stop it, and before I knew it I had two infuriated vampires suddenly turn in my direction. Oops.

Their faces immediately calmed down, and they both immediately smiled as I appeared around the corner. Louis especially seemed much happier as soon as he saw me. I don't know why though. I was just caught eavesdropping on them, they should be very upset, I know I would be. Lestat however, looked slightly worried as he smiled back at me. I managed to smile back at them, it seemed like the polite thing to do. I also felt my face go red because both of their eyes were locked on me. It was obvious that they had no idea what to say to me, so I might as well speak up before they start fighting again.

"Louis!" I rushed into his arms instantly almost knocking him over. "It's nice to finally meet you! Lestat's told me so much about you." I said cheerfully.

Louis wrapped his arms around me and smiled as he looked down at me. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you too Rose. In fact that's why I'm here," he said as he slightly tightened his grip around me. Lestat did not look pleased. He looked like he was about to throw Louis across the room or something. I pulled away from Louis slightly confused at what was going on.

"Wait, you came here just to meet me? That doesn't sound right. You must have come to see Lestat too, especially since you guys have so much history with each other. I mean... he is your maker after all. Doesn't that mean you guys have some sort of bond?"

Louis laughed and another grin appeared on his face. "So Lestat's told you the story, his version though I presume. Of course, that's the only way he probably knows how to tell it."

"Louis that's enough!" Lestat sneered with rage. His anger made me jump slightly, and goosebumps began to appear along my arms.

"Same old Lestat, full of rage, yet so scared to lose the thing he loves." Louis said nodding to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, even more confused then before.

"Louis, we will discuss this later." Lestat snapped. It was obvious that whatever they were hiding they weren't going to involve me in it at the moment. I don't understand why though, I heard them mention my name when they were arguing. This just doesn't make any sense at all.

Dark Prince [ Lestat De Lioncourt ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora