Chapter Twenty Seven - The Club

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Lestat's POV

After I made love to Rose that night, I realized that I might not have her touch for much longer. That I would soon be on my own, without her touch to guide me. And I'll be damned if I don't cherish every moment I have with her --- while I can.

Because I knew as soon as I went with Akasha, it was only a matter of time before my mind went dark. Before I lost myself. So I know I had to cherish Rose while I can. Because who knows what unspeakable things I would do later on.

So to prove myself to her --- I made love to her again and again. Caressing every inch of her body with my touch. Making her moan my name over and over again as my lips kissed every inch of her skin. Gliding my fangs along her neck slowly before sinking them deep into her --- marking as mine.

God I loved her so much. I would have made love to her even longer if I could. But I could sense she was getting sleepy. So I resisted my urges and pulled her close to my chest. She then nuzzled her head against it, causing a moan to escape my lips.

I then ran my hand through her hair as her eyes began to flutter shut. I made sure to keep a strong arm around her waist, guarding her as she slept. I then tilted my head down to her hair and sniffed it deeply.

I so badly wanted to fall asleep with her. But I knew I couldn't. There was too much running through my head. Tomorrow was going to be rough. I just knew it -- deep down --- I had this feeling.

Akasha was close. Sometimes I swear I could hear her calling my name. It made me worried. I knew that if she found me I would have to bring Rose to Marius and Louis. It was the only way to keep her safe.

But the challenge wasn't the fact that I had to give myself up to Akasha. It was the fact that I had to leave my sweet Rose. She was everything to me. Leaving her was going to be the biggest challenge of them all.

But I won't let Akasha harm her. EVER. I would rather die than see something happen to Rose. So it was decided --- I will give my self up willingly --- as long as my Ma Cherie is safe. The hard part was going to be lying to her until then.

I knew all along I was the father of lies. In the past I could lie to anyone --- without even blinking. But with Rose it was different. I loved her too much. So the fact that I had to betray her in such a way --- it destroyed me.

I hated myself for what I was doing to her. I promised her that I would marry her --- and that I would never leave her. I lied to her --- my sweet Rose --- of all people. She didn't deserve this --- any of it. But more importantly --- I didn't deserve her. But I knew there wasn't any other way.

I knew that if Rose found out Akasha was still coming --- she would do anything in her power to keep me. Even if it meant getting herself killed. She blames herself for all of this. I think she even hates herself for it.

It's not her fault though. But none of us can seem to convince her otherwise. I can't risk her putting herself in danger. She was willing to do anything to save me. She loved me. She knew me --- and accepted me when no one else did. She chose me when no one else has.

And it meant the world --- to be chosen by her. But still ---- I had to protect her. Even if it meant I had to lie to her. I knew it would destroy me. Betraying her felt like the worst thing in the world. It was eating me up inside. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could hold out.

Looking into her beautiful eyes, she was so happy. She didn't know what was about to happen, and that was the biggest torment of them all. Because I knew that the happiness in those eyes would soon be replaced with sadness.

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