Chapter Two - Guardian

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Lestat's POV

I didn't visit Rose for some time at first because there were still some questions that needed to be answered. For example, even though I want more than anything to protect her --- she is still a temptation. When she was in my lap that first night, I felt her heartbeat and the warm blood that was coursing through her veins. The very sweet substance that was flowing through her body could satisfy my hunger beyond comprehension.

There is also the issue with her father. While it is highly unlikely that he could find out I was watching his daughter, the possibility of it happening still remains an issue. If her father did find out --- I would have no choice but to kill him. Because he would most likely try to kill me.

Also there is a possibility that Rose would  begin question me more and more as she grows up. Considering right know she thinks I'm an archangel from the heavens above here to watch over her. When in fact I'm a vampire who could easily kill her or her father if I wanted to. I'm quite capable of doing it. I've been planning to feed on her father for awhile now. But I planned it not knowing he had a daughter which was her.

Yet even after I ran through all the questions in my head --- it still didn't change my decision. I wanted to see her.


I began to watch her quite often, several times a month in fact. But I never managed to visit and talk to her because of her father. She was turning 8 years old tomorrow. Her birthday was on the 20th of February. I decided I would see her then on her birthday. Since the day was going to be so special for her --- I knew I had to try everything in my power to make sure I didn't miss it.

The next day I arose from my coffin, eager to talk to my sweet Rose again after two years of just observing her. Her father has slowly but surely stopped having her so glued to his hip in these past few months which has made it easier on my part. But Rose doesn't seem to approve of her father working more outside the house and leaving her with a nanny.

As I approached the house I noticed Rose was in her bedroom. But the nanny was nowhere near her. As I made my way through the halls of the house I saw the nanny sleeping in a chair that was in the middle of the living room. She was an old woman with gray locks for hair that was held up in a bun. So much for hiring a nanny to look after her. How is she supposed to be fed and cared for?  What on earth is her father thinking?

After making my way further into the house, I found Rose's bedroom. Her room had royal blue colored walls with a moon themed bed in the center of it. I also noticed that bookshelves were lined all along the walls as well. Everyone one of them was covered in books from top to bottom. She also had dolls behind her bed but they were barely visible and hidden away. I presumed that she liked the books better than she liked the dolls. The dolls looked untouched, whereas the books were worn out and faded.

In fact Rose was reading on her bed as I walked in. She looked deep in thought as her hands trimmed along the pages. I tried not to disrupt her as I quietly made my way next to her. She instantly looked up from her book as I sat down. She looked suspicious at first but when she saw it was me, she put the book down. 

"Hello Rose," I said with a smile on my face.

"Hi Lestat." She said giving me a little wave.

"What are you reading?" I asked curiously.

"Harry Potter. I'm on book four." She said.

"That's a big book. Are you sure you can read it all?" I asked.

"I like big books." She responded.

"I can see that. You're room is filled with them." I said nodding to the several book cases that were lined up against the walls. 

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