Chapter Fifteen - Drink! And Learn.

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Rose's POV 

Lestat has been trying to get me to feed for the past three days. It's been a real pain. I just don't understand why he can't understand that I don't want to feed off a human. I'm just not ready, and I don't know if I ever will be. I mean sure the people he feeds off of usually are bad people but it still doesn't make any difference to me. A person is still a person.

It's starting to take a turn on him just as much as it is me. Every time I tell him no he growls at me and storms off. He's gotten quite impatient with me and it's starting to show. The other day he knocked down one of the book cases in rage because I almost fainted due to lack of feeding. Of course as soon as he saw me start to cry he immediately calmed down and rushed to my side. 

I honestly don't know what to do with myself anymore. I obviously can't be the vampire that is expected of me. Part of me thinks I should have died that day, just to make it easier on everyone. I don't understand why I can't find the strength to feed. I mean, I read so much about vampires and know almost everything about them. Why can't I just do it? The fact that I can't is physically wearing me out and is driving Lestat mad! 

Which reminds me how I've been avoiding him practically all day. Well---all night because I can't be up during the day. I know if I run into him he's going to drag me outside and make me feed. So I've been hiding in one of the many bedrooms of this giant ass mansion, hoping that he won't find me. 

I can do this! I have a book in my hand and my MP3 Player in my lap, I'm good. I just have to ignore the major gnawing feeling in my stomach and the pulsing headache that I have. It also doesn't really help that my blood constantly feels like it's on fire either. But as long as I don't have to feed on a human then----I can handle a little pain. 

I was reading my book when I heard footsteps approaching in the hall. Thank god for vampire hearing! I immediately jumped off the bed and ran into the closet.I then shut the door behind me quietly. As the bedroom door began to open I  pushed my self against the corner of the closet and held my breath. I saw Lestat step inside and he did not look happy.

"Rose! I know you're in here. I could smell you from across the hall." 

Lestat then began to tear the room apart to try and find me. He tore apart the bed and searched under it. He then started to tear apart everything else in the room, causing me to shudder. He eyes then darted at the closet. Shit! Before I knew it the closet door was being ripped open and I was being thrown over Lestat's shoulder. He then dragged me out of them room and carried me down the hall. 

"Put me down Lestat!"

 I tried to hitting him but it was no use. This was happening and it was happening now. I kept yelling at him but he ignored me and continued to carry me through the house. I even tried pulling his hair which caused him to growl. As he approached the living room he threw me onto the couch. When he tried to approach me I started throwing books at him. After one hit him in the face he growled again. I tried throwing another one at him but he caught it and threw it to the floor. I  then attempted to run away but Lestat grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

"Enough!" He snarled at me.

"Let me go Lestat!" He shouted at him. 

I tried to push him off me but he resisted and refused to move. 

"I'm way stronger than you Rose. So stop!"

"You may be stronger---but I'm angrier!!!"

I then gave one final shove which caused him to fly across the room, landing on the floor. I then took the opportunity and fled to my room, locking the door behind me. But it was no use because Lestat busted the door down and ripped it off its hinges---literally. I then tried to rush past him but he blocked my path and shook his head at me. 

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