Chapter Five - Frailty

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Lestat's POV

Rose has been doing well recently with her father's absence. He came back a few days earlier though which seemed to make Rose happy. But I don't know why she would be after all that he's done to her with his constant absence from her life. He claims it's all for business and nothing more. But we both know that's a complete and utter lie.

She still manages to stay strong though which still surprises me beyond recognition. Her books and music provide a sort of serenity for her. But she still is school-focused and has straight A's. Plus she also performs in the school choir. I always enjoy watching her sing, luckily the performances are at night so daytime isn't an issue.

I've had to feed a bit more than usual lately. Instead of one a night, it's been more like two or three a night now. Ever since Rose started maturing into a woman she's been more tempting for me. Even though she's grown up she is still fragile and innocent to me and I love her for it. But I won't feed on her. At least not unless she asks me too. I know, I know, I'm selfish and greedy. But I would do anything for Rose. I can imagine her blood tasting like sunlight and strawberries. The true definition of Heaven or at least till I come up with a better word for it.

Even though Rose's father is back he still distances himself from her which makes me think that he is leaving again very soon. Rose I don't think has caught onto the idea yet that her father might possibly leave her again. She deserves better, but I can see why she is attached to him now that I think of it. He very much might be the only family she has left. 

I've left her alone for awhile. But I keep a close eye  on her when I can. I was hoping that she would get the time with her father that she craves. But it just doesn't seem like she is. It's her 17th birthday tonight and I haven't seen her in a few weeks. So I'm going to make every attempt to visit her without her father noticing my presence. Although I doubt he would considering that he seems to rarely ever be in the same room as her. I've missed my sweet Rose.

I can't help but be selfish around her. I've developed a sort of claim towards her. I never seem to want to let her go.

I felt worried as I made my way to Rose's house --- wondering if I would run into her father. The wind's crisp air felt refreshing against my face. Snow was falling lightly on the ground. There wasn't that much of it though. It was just enough so it looked like a white blanket covered the ground. By the time I arrived, her father's car was gone. So that told me he had left. There were fresh tire tracks on the ground, so it meant he had left quite recently too. There were no lights on in the house as I approached the front door so I was worried that Rose wasn't home, which happens very rarely.

I opened the door slowly and quietly not wanting to startle Rose with the noise. Then I made my way through the massive hallways that were in the house till I found the one that leads directly to Rose's room.

She wasn't reading like I thought she would be, or listening to music. She was just standing at the tall glass window that's in her room, watching the snow fall. She was dressed in a blue sweater that had a zipper in the middle of it, with a white lace shirt underneath, and jeans with fur boots on her feet.

She was so still, she was hiding something --- but I couldn't find it in her thoughts. I tried once more but nothing. She's clever. It's always been hard reading her thoughts, but never impossible.

"Why so quiet my love?" I finally asked. I was hoping she would perk up and rush in to give me a hug like she usually does. But she remained still. I figured she would speak when she was ready, so I waited. But she never did, and I could bare her silence no longer. "Rose, talk to me!" I urged her.

"Leave me alone Lestat." she said. Her voice sounded hurt and broken. No, not my sweet Rose. 

I rushed over to where she was standing and gave her a hard embrace from behind, wrapping my arms around her, kissing her hair and neck. I felt her heartbeat and her blood flowing through her veins. I kept kissing her neck trying to ease her pain. "No, I'm not going anywhere."

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