Chapter Six - Secrets Revealed

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Lestat's POV

Rose has been adjusting well these past few weeks to living here with me. She seems untainted by leaving her father and home behind which doesn't surprise me, she's a strong girl. But it's also a very miraculous thing as well, many people can't just leave their loved ones without some emotional trauma occurring. But considering her father wasn't around, it may have been easier for her in some ways. Not to mention that he hit her and bruised her face, but I think Rose cared more about his absence more than anything else.

Other than that Rose seems to be doing well, she's been happier lately and has been focused on school far more than anything else. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that a smile has not been on her face. I enjoy watching her smile.

My need to sleep during the day hasn't been a problem lately because she gets up quite early to go to school, so she naturally assumes that I'm still asleep and will get up later. Her after school activities and choir practices keep after school quite late on several occasions.

But that will all change because today she graduates, she'll be 18 years old and graduating with honors. She's a clever girl, and she will catch on eventually. I plan to tell her a week from today, she deserves this day to just be herself and I won't take that away from her. She left later that day when I had already retreated into my coffin for the day. You have no idea how much I wish I could be there for her.

When I woke up she was still gone, she said she was staying out later than usual at a friends house tonight but that she would be back soon. I have no problem with her hanging out with her friend as long as my sweet Rose is happy.

I was starting to get thirsty, I checked the time and I thought I would still have enough time to feed before Rose got back. So I made my way into the cold, dark, night determining who would be my prey tonight.

Rose's POV

It was getting late, I had to go home because I promised Lestat I wouldn't stay out this late. After saying goodbye to my friend Beth who I have known about a year now from high school, I left her house and made my home. As I made my way through the dark streets and past old buildings I finally reached Lestat's apartment.

He wasn't home which surprised me but nevertheless, I still had to find something to do until he got back. I went into my room and picked up a book from my shelf to read. The book is called,"Of Mice and Men", a rather strange title but I like the story and plot it has to it. I started reading it yesterday and couldn't seem to put it down. It has an acquired taste to it, I guess it just depends on the types of books you like to read.

I ended up getting through three chapters of it before I heard the door that leads into the apartment creak open. I sat up immediately and gently set my book down on my bed. I then started to make my way to the door but stopped when I heard not one but two voices on the other side of the door. The first belonged to Lestat, that I recognized right away. The second was female, I didn't recognize the voice at all. I cracked the door open a tiny bit so I could get a better view of what was going on.

There was a woman on the couch, she had long, curly, brown hair and hazel eyes. She looked like she was in maybe her mid-twenties. Lestat was sitting next to her, she giggled at him. He started to lean towards her with a look on his face I couldn't quite put my finger on because I hadn't seen it before. He started leaning towards her slowly and planted kisses along her neck which caused her to giggle more.

As she ruffled her hands through his hair rather roughly I began to feel a knot in my stomach and was about ready to just shut the door. But as I turned around I heard a loud scream, I looked and Lestat was on top of her and was pinning her down. She looked terrified as she struggled against him, he looked like he was biting her! Soon she went still and ceased to move. I wanted to try and help her but was paralyzed with fear and couldn't find the will to move. She had lost all the color from her skin which made her seem like no more than a ghost. Her skin went from a pinkish color to a pale white, like all the happiness just left from her body without a backward glance.

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