Chapter Thirty Four - Confessions

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Author's Note: Listen to this song when you read the Louis/Rose scenes at the end. It will help set the mood and give you a better experience when you read it. I put hints in there to show you when to start playing it. So basically when you see the song title in the chapter, play away! It's best if you just open the song in a new tab or open the YouTube app and play it as you're reading.

Rose's POV

After Derrick and I left the castle that night, I started to get very excited. I mean the anticipation was practically killing me!! I had waited so long for this night to happen. A night where I could finally get the chance to go exploring!!

It almost felt too good to be true!! I couldn't believe it was actually happening!! I was actually going to see the city of Rome!! How cool is that?! Most people only get that opportunity maybe once in a lifetime. Some don't even get it at all. 

 So the fact that I was one of those few lucky people made me feel so blessed. I've been wanting to go see the city ever since we got here. However I didn't think I would have much of a chance to with everything that's been going on lately. I figured it would be too much of a risk. 

But yet at the end of the day here I was, going off with Derrick to face the unknown. And now that it was actually happening, I couldn't be more thrilled about it. I was practically ecstatic. The word calm didn't seem to exist in my dictionary anymore.

Because as soon as we got outside, I immediately started to get all jittery. Which made it nearly impossible for me to sit still. I felt like I had ants in my pants or something. I mean I was literally jumping up and down like a little girl as we walked past the castle gates.

I may have been a little hyper to say the least. Actually, scratch that. I'm going to be brutally honest. I was really freaking hyper. Like I'm talking bouncing off the walls hyper. And I'm sure if anyone other than Derrick saw me right now, they would think I was nuts.

And to be honest I probably was. But I couldn't help it though. I was just so excited that I couldn't seem to control myself anymore. I had all this energy building up inside me and I just needed to let it all out.

Even Derrick seemed to noticed my excitement and began to look at me funny as I ran around him in circles using my vampire speed. He then started to laugh and shook at his head at me. I rolled my eyes at him in response.

"You really are something lass." He told me with an amused look on his face.

He obviously thought that I looked ridiculous, but I didn't care

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He obviously thought that I looked ridiculous, but I didn't care. I was too excited to even bother. I mean how could I not be? It's not every day you get an opportunity like this, and I wanted too enjoy every single second of it.

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