Creatures of the Night Part 4

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Scott turned to help Kira to her feet, and Stiles walked to me. He did it with long, raging strides, and I just knew I was about to get chewed out. Great. Exactly what I needed. A lecture from my ex-boyfriend.

"Y/N, what the hell was that?" Stiles grumbled, holding out his hand to help me up. I ignored him, getting to my feet on my own. I was healed, so I felt fine. And surprisingly, I felt less angry. I guess I just needed to fight.

"Nothing," I mumbled, staring to walk over to where Liam stood. Stiles grabbed my arm, forcing me to face him.

"That wasn't nothing! You practically threw yourself onto his claws!"

I ripped my arm from his hold, glaring at him. "Yeah, well, I'm fine. See?" I lifted my shirt to show him the wounds had healed. "All better. Now, quit treating me like I don't know what I'm doing."

"Do you?" he snapped. I stared at him, my jaw hung open. Did he really just say that to me? As my mind came back to me, my mouth closed, and I narrowed my eyes at him. I was not putting up with this right now.

Thankfully, I didn't have to because I turned my attention to the new guy facing us. He had a small smirk on his face and pretty brown hair that looked really soft. He seemed like an innocent guy. Which is why I was automatically suspicious. Who's innocent anymore? Besides Liam, obviously.

He smiled at the ground, walking forward a few steps with a chuckle when he saw our expressions. "You don't remember me, do you?" Somehow, all of us had backed up into a clump, which New Guy now stood in front of. Scott rose his eyebrows in question. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade." I frowned at his vague answer, but Scott's eyebrows jumped up. I was glad someone new what was going on because it damn sure wasn't me.

"Theo?" Scott breathed. Theo grinned in response, and I looked at Scott. Who the hell was Theo? And why did Scott seem happy to see him?

"You know him?" I asked.

"You don't remember either, huh?" he chuckled. "We shared cookies on the playground."

The memory of the time flashed through my mind, but the kid with me was fuzzy. I think it was him, but I didn't know for sure. It looked like it could be him. "Oh, hell..." I muttered. Theo laughed lightly, cocking his head.

"Not what I was expecting, but... Hey, trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. Couple months ago, I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it." He smiled at Scott, his eyes bright with hope and remembrance. No one smiled back. "Not just an alpha, but a true alpha."

Scott didn't say anything on the matter, instead saying, "What do you want?"

"I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family because I want to be a part of your pack," Theo said. I narrowed my eyes at him. People always wanted something from Scott, so what did he really want?

"Um... I'll think about it," Scott said. Theo frowned a little, but nodded. Scott turned to walk away, so we followed. I was in the back, so I looked over my shoulder. Theo was still watching us walk away, and he smiled and waved at me. I frowned and looked away, walking up between Scott and Stiles.

We pushed open the door to the school, stepping inside with the hustle of the rest of the senior class.

"We haven't seen this kid in years," Stiles grumbled. "You don't find that highly suspicious?"

"I'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me," Scott shrugged. Malia's phone vibrated, capturing the attention of the group, so we stopped. However, Scott had other plans. He faced me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. You just seem a little...on edge."

"Well, I'm fine," I said quickly, then turned my attention to Malia so I could avoid the conversation. Next to me, Scott sighed, but he let it be. Stiles' attention was solely on Malia as she read whatever message was on her phone, and I rolled my eyes at him. We all waited patiently for Malia to reveal the news.

Malia sighed heavily with relief. "I'm in. I passed." I smiled at her, happy she could continue to her senior year, and it turned stiff when I saw Stiles lean in to squeeze her in a tight hug. Okay, so maybe it was still hard to see them together. Just because I was over Stiles doesn't mean it's easy to see him with someone else. Any ex can tell you the same thing. "I'm officially a senior."

"Thank god," Lydia's voice sighed as she walked up. "Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here. Are we doing this or not?" She smirked at us and turned to walk, so everyone followed. Everyone but me. I watched them walk a few feet. There was Scott, who had his arm around Kira. He's been my best friend since I was little. He had become so much more, though. He'd become my brother, saving me when I needed him. There was Kira with her arm around Lydia. I'd only met her a short while ago, but I cherished her. There was Lydia who taught me how to appreciate what I had. There was Malia, tucked under Stiles' arm. Despite the pain I felt every time I looked at her, I liked her. She was kind and honest and genuine, and it was refreshing. Then there was Stiles. I'd gone through so much with him. My best friend, my boyfriend, and now... What? I couldn't talk to him like I ever have before. Something between us was broken, and I didn't know how to fix it.

I couldn't help but think Allison should have been here, too. She was one of the first girl friends I'd ever had, and it saddened me that she couldn't be here with us, finishing her senior year.

As if on cue, everyone stopped at the same time, looking around. Finally, they looked back at me, and small smiles spread on their faces.

"You coming?" Stiles asked. I watched him for a second, hoping the answer to my problem would suddenly appear above his head. When it didn't, I realized this was one I was going to have to solve on my own.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming." I bit my lip, thoughts filling my head as I walked to my friends. They waited until I was with them to start walking again, and Lydia linked her arm with mine, a gentle smile on her face. I really hoped that wasn't pity I was seeing.

We all filed into the line with the rest of the seniors. It led into the library, where I knew a shelf would be cleared of books. I wasn't sure how the tradition got started, or when, or who started it, but I suppose that's how traditions work. Blindly following what you believe you should be doing merely because that's what everyone has done before you.

Stiles was the first one of us to the shelf. It was covered in initials written in all colors of sharpie in all different handwritings. Every senior for the past however many years was on this thing. And now it was time to place our mark on it, too.

Stiles handed the marker to Lydia, then she gave it to Kira and stood next to Stiles, both waiting for us to finish.

Kira frowned, "This isn't vandalism, is it?"

"Not technically," Lydia lied. Kira sighed and wrote her initials onto the blank space reserved for this year. She smiled widely after having done it, then handed the marker off to Malia. She wrote hers with a smile, then it was Scott's turn. He wrote his down, then smiled as he gave the marker to me. I looked at the five of them watching me and waiting for me to write my initials, and I uncapped the marker.

There were all their initials. SS, LM, KY, MT (I was surprised Malia put Tate instead of Hale, but the sight made me smile anyway.) SM, and there was one more that caught my eye right next to Scott's. AA. Allison Argent. I blinked at the letters, then looked over my shoulder at Scott. He gave me a sad smile, so I sighed and turned back to the shelf.

The marker in my hand felt heavy as I found the place to write my initials. Right between Scott and Stiles, just like I had always been, and where I would probably continue to be no matter how hard it was. I handed off the marker to the tall guy behind me and turned to face my friends with a pursed smile. I exhaled through my nose, silently telling those who would listen that I was unsure of everything nowadays.

Without words, Scott threw an arm over my shoulder, his other around Kira, and he started walking towards the stairs to leave. His arms dropped so he could walk down the stairs without falling, and I followed him down. This was it. Senior year was officially here. So what did that mean?

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