Magic Bullet Part 1

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I'd been up all night, and surprisingly, it wasn't because of Stiles. Something with Derek seemed totally off. Scott had called me and Stiles when he got back. He told us that he wasn't bitten by Derek. There was an alpha in town, and that's the one who bit Scott, and that's the one that killed the bus driver.

How had we not known before now? Why had Derek kept it quiet? Who was the alpha? If he went around killing people, surely, he wasn't a very good guy. And that only meant more problems for us to deal with. And that sucked. I felt like I'd already lost too much sleep over this. It wasn't this hard for me. Maybe it's different for werewolves.

I tried my best to dress nice for school, but ended up wearing jeans, a tee-shirt, and converse with my hair in a ponytail because I was too tired to care.

I was in history with Scott and Stiles sitting on the row next to them. Scott sat in front of Stiles. The teacher was handing back tests and I was trying to keep my eyes open. I rested my head in my hand, which was probably not a good choice because my eyes fell closed.

Stiles had to have been asking too many questions because I snapped awake to the sound of Scott yelling 'I don't know' to Stiles. The whole class had looked over to see if there was gunna be a fight then turned back around when they realized there wasn't. Stiles smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

The teacher placed my test on my desk, and I smiled. B+. Not bad for a subject I hated with every ounce of my body. Stiles, of course, got and A, and didn't let it go unnoticed by me. He flashed me his paper and a quirky little grin that I shook my head at, playfully glaring at him. Grades were something we competed about, but in history, I had already given up on trying to beat him. History was his thing, math was mine. And he couldn't beat me at math if he tried.

Scott groaned and both Stiles and I leaned over to look at his grade. I winced. D-. Ouch. Oh, look. He even got a little note. 'Not like you. See me after class'.

"Yikes," I muttered.

"Dude, you need to study more," Stiles said. Scott frowned and slammed his paper face down. "That was a joke."

"Scott, it's one test. You'll make it up," I comforted.

"Do you want help studying?" Stiles offered.

Sighing, Scott shook his head, "No, I'm studying with Allison after school today." I smiled knowingly.

"That's my boy," Stiles grinned.

"We're just studying."

"Uh, no, you're not," I laughed. Scott looked at me like he didn't understand. "Scott, sweetie, 'studying' with a girl is never just studying."

"Especially not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you," Stiles leaned forward in his seat to say over Scott's shoulder. I bit my lip. Stiles could be 'studying', too, but no. He wants the girl with the boyfriend. Just my luck. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I sw-I swear to god, I'll have you de-balled."

"Okay!" Scott said to shut him up, turning in his seat. "Just... Stop with the questions, man."

"Done," Stiles waved, leaning back. "No more questions. No more talk about the alpha or Derek. Especially Derek... Who still scares me..." I snorted at Stiles' expression. He seemed genuinely terrified of the guy. Personally, I didn't know what was so scary about him. But hey, maybe I wasn't the easiest to scare. Stiles was, though.

As I was walking to class, Allison stopped me and pulled me to the side.

"Can I ask you about something?" she said. She seemed nervous, so I smiled, hoping to put her at ease.

"Of course."

"I don't know if Scott told you, but we're studying after school today." She played with her fingers to give her something to do. My smile turned into a knowing smirk, making her blush. "I was just... You know, Lydia gave me some tips, but I just..."

"You want to know if Scott's going to be into it?" I asked, trying to help.

She blushed and nodded. "I was hoping, maybe I could get some tips from you. Maybe you know what Scott likes or... Have any experience."

"I've never been with Scott. Or anyone for that matter. And I don't know what Scott likes. He's pretty shy about that kind of stuff. We did kiss once, but that was when we were kids. We were playing a game. I don't think that makes me a Scott McCall expert or any-..." I stopped at her expression, then laughed. "I'm rambling. Alright, look, um... I know Scott, not that well, but well enough to know that he's crazy about you. Whatever you decide to do, or not do, is completely your choice and he will respect it. But whatever you do, as long as it's you, it'll drive him crazy."

Allison smiled like she was relieved then thanked me. We waved goodbye and rushed off to our next classes.


I met Stiles at his jeep right after the bell rang. He liked to be one of the first ones out of the parking lot or else it would take us twenty minutes just to get out. He reversed out the parking spot and we were driving down an empty lot, then Derek ran in front of us. Stiles stomped on the brakes and I screamed with surprise.

Derek looked pale and unwell as he supported himself on the hood of the jeep. Cars honked behind us, not happy with the hold-up. He swayed a little, then collapsed to the ground.

"You gotta be kidding me," Stiles grumbled.

"Crap," I said as I hopped out. I bent next to Derek. He was sweating like crazy. "Derek, are you okay?"

"Where's Scott?" he grunted weakly as I helped him sit up.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" Scott asked, running up to us. Stiles got out.

"I was shot," he panted.

"He's not looking so good, dude," Stiles said.

"Oh, come on. You'll heal. We're holding up the line," I sighed.

Derek barked, "I can't heal. It was a different kind of bullet."

"Silver bullet?" Stiles asked, almost sounding excited. I rolled my eyes up at him, and he shrugged down at me.

"No, you idiot," Derek replied.

"That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours," Scott thought.

"What?" Derek replied, staring at Scott and panting. "Wh-who said 48 hours?"

"The one who shot you," Scott replied obviously. Derek pulled back like he'd been hit and grunted. His eyes flashed blue. "What are you doing?! Stop that!"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't," Derek grumbled.

"Derek, get up," Scott ordered, putting a hand on his shoulder. Derek huffed, his teeth clenched together. I looked around but no one seemed to notice the oddity of Derek's eyes, only that he was the one holding everybody up. People began to get out of the cars in annoyance.

"Alright, Stiles get in the car. Scott, help me get him in," I said, picking up one of Derek's arms and putting it over my shoulder. Scott got the other arm and we hoisted Derek up together. We put Derek in, and Stiles got in. I crawled over Derek to get into the back, mumbling, "Dang, I can't even enjoy this." I was almost on Derek's lap, but he was in so much pain and there were so many cars honking unhelpfully that it made it rather difficult to appreciate the feel of trying to get over him.

Stiles heard what I said and rolled his eyes at me, making me smile as I got into the back.

At the window, Derek said to Scott, "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott asked.

"'Cause she's an Argent. She's with them."

"Why should I help you?"

"Because you need me."

"Fine. I'll try." To Stiles, he said, "Get him out of here."

"I hate you for this so much," Stiles grumbled, then drove down the line again.

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