Abomination Part 3

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I ran inside and into Gerard's office after unlocking his door. Riffling through every drawer I could find, my fingers skimmed over every paper, under every file, and in every locked drawer. I groaned as I pulled out my phone to text Allison.

Nothing here.

I glanced up to see Erica standing at the door. She had one hand on her hip and a sultry smile, though I didn't know why she was turning up the sleaze for me. Stiles, maybe, but for me?

"Hello, Y/N," she said.

"Hey, Erica. You look good," I said, hoping flattery would win me a ticket out of whatever mess was about to happen.

"I know. So, are you going to come with me, or am I going to have to make you?" she asked. I'd done my job, so screw it. She seemed to realize my answer without me voicing it because she smiled victoriously. Turning, she started to walk, expecting me to follow.

I left Gerard's keys in the doorknob as I followed her. Once out of the room, she grabbed my arm. I let her. If she wanted to hurt me, she would've tried already. She led me down into the pool area and pushed me forward where Derek was waiting. He had a basketball in his hand. She moved to stand beside him.

"Y/N," Derek smiled.


"What did Stiles see at the mechanic's garage?"

"What, you think I'd know? I wasn't there."

Derek humph-ed, smiling at the ball in his hand while drumming his claws on it. He dug his claws in, and the ball popped, deflating hissing air as Derek squeezed the life out of it. That was unnecessary. Derek dropped the ball at my feet.

"Let's try that again," he said.

"I stand by what I said."

"Stiles tells you everything. I don't buy it."

I sighed, throwing my head back as I put my hands on my hips. "Okay, fine. Look, I'll tell you what he told me. He said it was slick looking... Um. Skin was dark, kind of patterned, I think. I think he mentioned something about scales. Is that enough?" They looked at me with blank expressions, then Derek rose one eyebrow like 'are you joking?'. I groaned. "Okay, fine. Uh, the eyes. He said they were, um... Yellowish. Slitted. Not like a cat, more like a snake... Um, he said it had a lot of teeth." Their eyes looked above my head but I continued. "Oh, he said it had a tail! Are we good now? 'Cause I'd like to go. Like now."

Erica's face twisted with fear and Derek, as usual, was a flicker more that blank. And they were still looking above me.

"What?" I said with annoyance. "Wait, have you seen it?! You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about." I heard hissing above me. It didn't sound like my kind of hiss, more so like a rattlesnake. I turned, looking above me.

There, hanging onto the railing, was the exact thing that Stiles had described. And he'd done so with scary accuracy.

"This isn't good," I muttered. It opened it's mouth and released a scream that sounded like a pterodactyl. I backed up behind Derek and Erica. If anyone was going to be terrorized by this thing right now, I'd prefer it to be them.

Snake Boy jumped down in front of us, landing on all fours. It quickly swung and Derek growled, crouching down like he was going to fight it. It flung Erica across the room, and she fell to the floor unconscious after hitting the wall.

Derek pushed me back by my chest, yelling, "Run!" Snake Boy clawed Derek on the back of the neck and he turned, disoriented.

"Derek, your neck," I said, seeing the bright pink scratch on the back. Derek began to stumble, I grabbed him just before he fell. "Come on." With his arm around me, I started walking as fast as I could with a barely mobile Derek. "Where is it? Can you see it?"

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