Ice Pick Part 3

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I ran with Stiles in the lunch room to find Scott. Allison was just leaving, so we stopped to let her by before stepping into Scott's way.

"Scott. Do you see that?" Stiles asked, pointing to Boyd's seat. It was empty.

"What, it's an empty table," Scott said, irritated that we were keeping him from going after Allison.

"Right, and who usually sits at that empty table?" I prodded.

Scott's face fell as he finally understood. He instantly stood to walk with us. "I'm gunna go to the ice rink and see if he's there."

"I'll go with you," I said, and he nodded.

"And if he's not at home, you call me, got it?" he said to Stiles. When Stiles stopped and sighed, Scott asked what was up.

"Maybe we should let him," Stiles said. "Boyd, you know?" I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He sounded serious, and that worried me. "You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

Scott grabbed Stiles' arm to force him to walk. "We can't."

"You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good," Stiles said. "You know, the word 'sensational' comes to mind."

"Which head is talking here, Stiles? Because it seems like it's not the one with the brain in it," I blurted, feeling angry again. Why was I so volatile lately? Stiles' mouth pulled into a tiny 'o' like he was about to say the word 'what'. "How good do you think she's gunna look with a Wolfsbane bullet in her head? Or the bottom half of her body ten feet from her top?"

"Alright, all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsibilities."

"They are. And you know this thing's gunna get out of control. That makes us responsible," Scott convinced. Stiles smacked his lips and shrugged.

"Alright, I'm with you. And I also gotta say this newfound heroism is making me very attracted to you both," Stiles said.

"Shut up," Scott chuckled.

Stiles put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec?" Scott pushed him forward, and Stiles looked back at me. "Like the three of us? Just to see how it feels." I shook my head at him, though my stomach was doing backflips.


On the ice, Boyd was looking bored on a Zamboni. At least I could walk on the ice with actual shoes on without falling on my face.

"Boyd!" I called, Scott right next to me. He looked over and rolled his eyes, continuing his five miles per hour machine.

"We just wanna talk," Scott said.

"Come on, Boyd, please," I begged when the only response we got was silence.

"Did Derek tell you everything?" Scott asked, as we steadily walked closer to Boyd. "And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything." Boyd turned off his Zamboni to talk to us.

"He told me about the hunters," Boyd clarified.

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" Scott said, surprised. If I had a choice, I'd give up being a werecat right now to stop being hunted. Well, okay, maybe not completely give it up. Okay, I can deal with the hunters, actually.

"Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it," I said.

Boyd, who'd been looking bored up until then, now looked angry and rose his voice. "I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day."

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