A Promise to the Dead Part 2

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My leg bounced in my desk as I sat in the stands in my usual seat near the benches, but my thoughts were distracted. Scott didn't come home last night, and I assumed it was because he and Kira were together. I was eager for Kira to come to school this morning and tell me all about it—well, not all because ew—but she never showed up. Neither did Scott. I didn't worry until I remembered Lydia's odd stare yesterday.

And now I was worried.

But Stiles assured me they were coming to the game, so I was hoping they just decided to make a day of it. An entire day of nothing but skin against skin, moans and breaths and love that I was only slightly jealous of. I hadn't had sex since Stiles, and I could tell it was making me a little on edge.

The lights on the field came on as Devenford Prep and Beacon Hills teams stepped onto the field. Liam nodded at me in a greeting as he set his stuff down, and I didn't miss the eye roll Stiles did when I smiled and waved back. I waved to him, too, just so he wouldn't feel left out.

Malia and Sheriff came and sat next to me, greeting me with wide smiles and an excitement that I shared. Sheriff was in the middle of telling me a story when I heard Liam's fearful heartbeat.

I excused myself and walked up behind Liam and Stiles.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Liam. Stiles narrowed his eyes at the interaction before trying to ignore it.

"They're still not here," Liam replied. I looked around the field for Scott and Kira, but he was right. Was it time to panic yet? Liam glanced up at the moon, which was full and bright in all it's glory, and I understood the real reason he needed Scott here.

"It's another 24 hours before the full moon. You'll be okay," I comforted.

"That's what you're freaking over?" Stiles blurted, drawing both our eyes to him. "Liam, you're gunna be fine. Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone."

"You're not worried?" Liam asked as though he already knew the answer.

"Okay, I'm mildly concerned." Stiles finished tying up his cleats with a flourish, while Liam nodded like I told you so. Stiles frowned at him and pulled out his phone.

"Look, you'll be fine," I told Liam. My eyes flicked to Stiles phone screen. It was a text message to Scott saying he was very worried. Okay, good. He was worried too, it was time to panic. "Just, uh... Be prepared to lose." I flicked my eyes to Stiles, hoping it would make Liam smile. (It did, go me.)

Stiles' jaw dropped like he was accepting a challenge as he shoved on his gloves. "No, we're not. We'll be just as good without Scott. Trust me. I've been practicing." The Velcro on the other glove zipped as he opened it with a confident smile. "I'm getting good. Really good."

Stiles jumped up to get on the field, but he was walking backwards so he could point his gloved finger at me like he was telling me to watch. I'm not completely sure what happened to cause it, probably his own feet, but Stiles slipped, flailing backwards to the ground.

I giggled at the sight of him jumping back to his feet, pretending like nothing happened. "Yeah," I said, patting Liam's padded shoulder. "You'll be just fine." Liam smiled over his shoulder at me, and I went back to sit with Malia and Sheriff. "Stiles swears he doesn't need Scott to win."

"What do you say?" Malia asked.

I shrugged, a knowing smirk on my face, "I say ten bucks on Devenford."


I let out a loud groan as two guys bulldozed Stiles to the grass. His leg was bent behind him, but it wasn't broken. It'll probably be sore as hell tomorrow, though. Liam knelt down on one knee next to Stiles, pursing his lips.

"Yeah, I'm gunna call Scott again," Stiles grunted as he stood.

By the end of the first quarter, Devenford was up by three. Scratch that. Four. I groaned as the goalie, yet again, failed to block a shot. When the whistle blew, signaling the end of the first quarter, Liam ran back to Stiles while Coach threw his clipboard to the ground angrily.

Stiles hopped up with his stuff, running up to us. He leaned down to whisper to us privately. "Hey, Scott and Kira aren't answering my messages. I'm getting a little worried. I gotta go find them."

"Want me to stay here if he shows up?" Malia asked.

"Yes. Y/N, you coming?" Stiles asked. I looked over his shoulder to see Liam's head cocked just barely. I knew he was listening in, but I still knew my answer.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Liam looked back at me, some emotion written in his eyes. I sent him an encouraging nod and a smile before running off with Stiles and Sheriff.

On the way to Stiles jeep, I explained how Scott hadn't come home, and that I hadn't heard a single thing from him since this morning. It was a cold text telling me he was okay, but it didn't inspire much confidence. Sheriff followed in his car as Stiles drove to Derek's. I drove so Stiles could change, (I knew he'd do nothing but complain about being in his lacrosse gear if he didn't) and it was surprisingly difficult to keep my eyes on the road. Luckily, I did it. Mostly.

When we got up to Derek's door, it was open, and inside was like the ruins of a dirty child's playroom. There was broken glass everywhere, and a few of the lightbulbs that had managed to cling to life were still flittering dimly.

Inside, Derek and Braeden were standing in the center of the room, staring at the mess. They both turned upon our entrance.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"It was supposed to be a date," Derek replied ominously.

"They're both gone," Braeden sighed, her arms crossed as she looked at us. Stiles jerked when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He answered, and Lydia's frantic voice came from the other end. Scott's been taken.

"Scott and Kira, we just don't know where," Stiles replied.

"Mexico," Deaton's voice added on the other line, surprising me at the very least. Also, Mexico? "And if you want to save his life, that's where you're going, too." Lydia hung up, but it was fine because we didn't need any other details.

I knew where Scott was, and I knew this was all thanks to Kate Argent. Mexico was her territory.

"I guess we're going to Mexico," I sighed when Stiles looked at me. If we were going to save Scott, we would need all the help we could get.

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