Frenemy Part 3

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Stiles and I were back into the fresh air, and I was leaning against a tree, staring out at the trees.

"Remember sleeping?" I said. "Sleeping was nice."

"You tired? Take a nap. I'll keep watch," Stiles said sincerely, typing another message out on Jackson's phone. I shook my head, knowing I had to be awake to protect him in case something happened.

It was a good thing I did because Stiles and I froze at the sound of rustling. There was a human heartbeat near. Stiles turned and screamed, backing up into me. It was Allison.

"They know," Allison said seriously, her eyes wide with panic.

"What?" I asked.

"They know Jackson's missing!" she replied.

"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue," Stiles said, holding up Jackson's phone. Allison shook her head.

"My grandfather told me his parents went to the police. They know."

Stiles looked down at the phone like it was acid. He held it up between two fingers, his mouth open with fear as he gasped. His voice cracked as he bounced a little, unsure of what to do. He twisted and held out the phone to me. I frowned and took the phone, and he instantly turned and opened the door.

He flicked on the radio.

"All available units proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival." Stiles looked back at me with fearful eyes, and I could see I was going to have to be the logical one here. "Repeat: proceed with caution."

"Okay, hey, look it's alright. Let's just go somewhere else. We'll ditch the phone here. We'll be okay," I cooed, rubbing his shoulder. He nodded, breathing heavily. "You want me to drive?"

"No, no, I got it," Stiles said. I nodded and got into the passenger seat. "Allison, I'll text you where we are when we get there. You find Scott, okay? Let him know what's going on." She nodded and ran to her car while Stiles got into the drivers' seat next to me. He called Jackson's dad and threw the phone out of the window.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere very far from this," he replied more confidently, driving away from the phone.


We were on top of a cliff overlooking every city for what seemed like 700 miles. We were still in the woods, but way past Beacon. I sat on a large rock near the edge of the cliff, watching the towns and thinking.

Stiles grunted softly as he sat down next to me.

"You know, about what I said... About Isaac," Stiles said.

"It's over. I just want to forget about it," I replied with a sigh.

"No, listen to me. Just listen. I need you to know what I meant by it." When I didn't respond, he took that as his cue to continue. "I wasn't saying he couldn't like you. Or even that didn't. I just meant... He never talked to you before this. It's just weird how all of a sudden, you're on his radar. I didn't mean that you weren't good enough to be liked. In fact, I think you deserve better."

"You do?" My voice was quiet, and I couldn't look at him.


I fiddled nervously with the grass at my feet. "He didn't use to be like this—Isaac, I mean. I think it's Derek. He was nice before him. That first night Isaac came into my room, he was like a lost puppy. You know? He-he was so... Sad and hopeless. Do you even know how alone you have to feel to be upset over the death of a man who used to lock you in a box for hours on end?" I sighed, throwing a rock over the edge of the cliff. "I haven't known Isaac for very long, but I know this isn't him. He's in there somewhere. Underneath Derek's alpha influence. I just have to find him. Bring him back."

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