Restraint Part 1

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We were still at the Sheriff's station waiting for our punishment, but we were granted permission to use the phone to call Allison. What she told us surprised the crap out of me. She found another person who can read archaic Latin. That person was Lydia. She said she'd 'gotten bored with regular Latin'. Just how smart was she?

Anyway, Lydia said the Kanima doesn't seek a friend like we all thought; he seeks a master. Meaning someone isn't protecting him. They were controlling him. The Kanima does go after murderers, but it's more like a vendetta thing from the master.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him," Allison said.

"Or he doesn't remember," I added.

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles asked, leaning onto his fists on the desk.

"A fugue state," I thought aloud, nodding at the idea. "Possibly."

"He'd have to forget everything—the murder," Scott said.

"Getting rid of the blood," Allison said.

"He had help with one thing, though—the video," Stiles said, looking up at me. "Someone else helped him forget that."

"Whoever's controlling him," I nodded, crossing my arms.

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asked.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles rolled his eyes at the thought.

"So do we try and convince him he's not?" I asked.

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah," Scott answered.

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Allison asked.

Stiles shrugged, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us." I chewed on my lip, giving him an unsure look. "Right?"

I sat in between Stiles and Scott while Sheriff read off our punishment from a clipboard. Mr. Whittemore was there with his arms crossed, giving us all stern looks. Melissa was standing behind us. And so were my parents. I kept my head down, not wanting to meet their gazes in the mirrored glass in front of me.

"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Sheriff slapped the board down on the table, looking at us with disappointment. Stiles fidgeted in his seat.

"What about school?" he asked.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50-foot distance," Sheriff answered. His body language was hard, but his eyes were soft, which only made me feel even worse.

They didn't know we were protecting them from Jackson. And protecting Jackson from himself. I shouldn't feel guilty for it, but somehow I did.

"Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time-." The adults in the room shifted to the other foot, annoyance on their faces. "And there's only two stalls available, and they're only right next to each other?" Stiles used his fingers to demonstrate the distance.

Sheriff's eyes weren't soft anymore. Scott and I stared at Stiles with 'you're doing this now?' looks.

The corners of Stiles' lips pulled down some. "I'll just hold it." Sheriff took Stiles off into the hall, and Scott went off with Melissa. I turned around in my seat, peeking up at my parents. Dad's brows were set in a firm 'you're in deep trouble, missy' kind of look, and Mom just looked disappointed. That was worse than her anger. I could handle her anger, but not her disappointment.

Stiles walked up next to me (my parents stopped to talk to Sheriff), and on the way, we stopped behind Melissa and Scott.

"-and no TV," Melissa said.

"My TV's broken," Scott shrugged.

"Then no computer."

"I need the computer for school."

"Then no, uh..." Scott should've just let it be, because Melissa looked over her shoulder at Stiles and I and narrowed her eyes. "No Stiles and Y/N."

"What? No us?" Stiles blurted and Melissa held up a hand without even looking at us.

"No Stiles and Y/N!" Melissa yelled. Stiles stepped back to me, rubbing his head and looking at me with wide eyes. "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys." When Scott sighed, she stomped her foot and yelled it again. Scott quickly put his keys in her outstretched hand, and her hands shook as she tried to get the key off the chain.

Scott offered to help and she refused him, growing increasingly more frustrated. Scott wrapped her hands in his gently.

"What is going on with you? Is this about Allison?" Melissa asked him. I didn't even realize it when both Stiles and I started furiously shaking our heads at him.

Scott sighed, "Do you really want to know?" Melissa nodded her head while Stiles and I continued to shake ours. Stiles pursed his lips, using his whole body to shake his head, getting Scott's attention. Scott looked from Stiles to me, and I shook my head gently.

"Is this about your father?" Melissa asked, chuckling shyly. Scott looked at us and I started nodding my head. Yes, yes, it was about his father. A very good excuse. "It is, isn't it? Okay, you know what, um... We'll talk about this at home. I'm gunna go get the car."

Scott exhaled guilt as he joined Stiles and I. We looked at Sheriff talking to my parents and Mr. Whittemore.

"I'm the worst son ever," Scott said.

"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes, either. Y/N's the-," Stiles started.

"Don't say it. I'm just as bad as you guys. In fact, I'm worse. My parents are exactly like me and I haven't told them a thing," I mumbled sadly. Maybe I should tell them. Maybe they could help somehow.

Mr. Whittemore started yelling in Sheriff's face and my parents walked out awkwardly. They saw me standing close to Stiles and Dad crooked his finger at me to follow him. I sighed, looking up at Stiles.

"I'm telling them tonight. You might want to consider telling yours. It'll save us a lot of heart break," I whispered. Stiles nodded like he was telling me he'd think about it. I half-smiled and touched both boys' shoulders before following my parents out the door.

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