Pack Mentality Part 2

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As we left the lunch line to find our table, Stiles said to Scott, "But dreams aren't memories."

"Ehh, that's not necessarily true. Dreams can be a subconscious representation of memories you've suppressed or... Are too traumatic to consciously remember," I shrugged as I sat down in front of the two. They gave me 'you're not helping' looks, and I frowned. "Or not?"

"Okay, then it wasn't a dream. Something happened last night, and I can't remember what," Scott sighed.

"What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asked.

"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy," Scott blurted. Then I remembered what Derek had said to me on the field.

"How are you so sure that it wasn't Derek who did this and you're not just feeding off of his memories?" I asked. They waited for me to explain. "Well, isn't he the one who bit you? I don't know, m-maybe there's some kind of link between a werewolf and the one who turned him that we can't even comprehend."

"We don't know that," Stiles said.

"We don't not know it," Scott replied, seemingly less panicked but still on edge. "I can't go out with Allison, I have to cancel."

I wanted to say, "Gee, Scott, what a good idea. You being an uncontrollable werewolf might not exactly be 'boyfriend material' right now," but Stiles spoke first.

"No, you're not cancelling."

"Why not? I think it's smart," I replied.

"He can't just cancel his entire life, Y/N. We'll figure it out," Stiles said as he peeled his orange. Lydia sat her trey down next to me and took the seat. Stiles froze, staring at her with wanton desire and me with absolute jealousy. I shot my eyebrows up at him as if to say, 'sucks for you'.

"Figure what out?" Lydia asked. Stiles huffed in shock, both boys 'uhh'-ing stupidly.

"How exactly I'm going to pass this bio exam next week. I suck at biology," I laughed casually, sticking my fork into a fry.

"I could give you my notes," Lydia replied, making me look over at her.

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yep. It's one of my better classes," she shrugged as if what she was telling me was no big deal. I thanked her, laughing lightly.

Stiles leaned in to me over the table saying quietly, "Why is she sitting with us?" He sounded awestruck, and I chuckled and shook my head at him, shrugging. Then the seats around us began to fill up with all the hot lacrosse players. Next to Scott, Allison sat down, giggling. On the other side of Lydia, Danny sat down. The only open chair left was the one next to me that sat at the end of the table. The King's Seat.

Stiles breathed out a nervous laugh as a beautiful girl sat next to him. She rolled her eyes and scooted her chair the other way. My eyebrows pinched together was I watched everyone file in. Why were we suddenly the ones who had a group following us? I knew it was probably because Lydia sat down first, and they all follow her like lost puppies, but it felt odd to be sitting in such a large group. I didn't like it one bit.

Stiles looked over at Danny, who sighed and looked away. I snickered. It was kind of like Stiles was the girl that everyone tried their best to avoid but inevitably couldn't at one point or another.

Jackson came and sat down... Right next to me in the only available seat. I looked at him and he smiled suggestively. Great... I glanced down at my trey. My food, which had already seemed unappetizing, now seemed downright inedible. I heard Stiles clear his throat and looked up to see him staring daggers at Jackson, which made me fight to hide a smile.

"So I hear they're saying it's some kind of animal attack. Probably a cougar," Danny conversed.

"I heard mountain lion," Jackson replied, leaning forward.

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia said confidently. When she noticed Jackson's stare, she perked her lips up and said, "Isn't it?" Her voice had changed from confident and smart to breathy and ditsy. I side-eyed her, wondering why she did that.

"Who cares?" Jackson replied. Then I felt a hand on my knee. I froze, dropping my fork and staring at my food. Jackson continued on talking as if nothing happened. "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gunna die anyway."

"Actually I just found out who it is. Check it out," Stiles said, showing us his phone. I leaned in to watch the video, pushing Jackson's hand off my knee.

On the video, Sheriff was at the bus, and the voiceover was a man saying the victim was a bus driver for the high school named Garrison Meyers. And that he survived the attack, but he was in critical condition at the hospital.

Jackson's hand began to slip up my thigh and I jumped up, squealing. Everyone, including Jackson, stared at me oddly.

"I, I... I really liked that bus driver," I squeaked. Jackson licked his lips at me, smirking, and I gulped. "I shou-, um. I'm gunna go, uh. Cry. In the bathroom. Probably." I stumbled back from the table, bumping into another person as the group watched me scramble to get away. "Right. Sorry."

I turned and ran from the cafeteria, and I slid down against the lockers, hiding my face in my hands. The hall was completely empty which was a welcomed rarity.

"What is wrong with you, Y/N?" I mumbled. "You're a freaking badass werecat, why are you letting him get to you?" I took the rest of lunch, about 15 minutes, to steady myself.

Stiles sat down next to me 10 minutes in, and I didn't move to uncover my face or look at him.

"What happened?"

Sighing, I removed my hands and leaned my head back against the lockers. "Mr. Meyers was a good man." I decided it was best not to tell Stiles about Jackson. I could handle it on my own.

Stiles nodded. "It's a train wreck in there."

"What do you mean?"

"Scott and Allison are going on a double date tonight with Jackson and Lydia. They're going bowling," Stiles explained.

"Oh, no," I giggled.

Stiles nodded, a smile on his face. "In fact, Scott told them he was a great bowler." I broke into a fit of giggles. If there was anything Scott was worse at than lacrosse (before the bite), it was bowling. "You know, I don't think Danny likes me very much."

"What?" I laughed, startled by the sudden change in topic. It was Stiles' turn to vent.

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" He looked at me seriously, and I couldn't tell whether he really wanted me to answer that question or not. Then I realized he was dead serious.

"Oh, wow. Okay, um... I don't know. Maybe you should ask him yourself," I replied, trying to hold in my laughter.

"I mean, I'm attractive to girls, right?"

"Are you asking me if I find you attractive?"

"Well, I mean girls. You know."

"I am a girl."

"Yeah, but that's not what I mean. Like girls girls. Do girls find me attractive?"

"I don't know, Stiles. I would think so," I chuckled. Stiles hummed, deep in thought. "Stiles, you're thinking about this too much. Look, you're attractive, okay? Just because one gay guy or girl may or may not think so doesn't mean that you aren't." He turned his head to look at me and I smiled at him, thinking of how much I wanted to tell him how attractive I thought he was. I didn't know how much it would matter though so I stayed quiet.

To soothe the tension, I said in a joking voice, "Do gay girls find me attractive?"

"Absolutely," he answered immediately. I snorted a laugh, grinning at him and thanking him, which he smiled at. "You feel better?"

"Absolutely," I replied. The bell rang and he helped me up, then we parted ways for our next class.

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