Weaponized Part 3

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Inside was a very large room, the other end with a stairwell that led up to the school sign. There were multiple shelves with various jars and trinkets on it that I found uninteresting, and a safe was on the left. The safe that wasn't very safe, considering it was the reason we were in this dead pool mess.

The second I stepped in, it was like I was stepping into an ice box. No one else seemed to notice the cold, but I was shivering and hugging my arms around myself. It was probably because the sweat had dried, making my body cooler than I wanted it to be.

The door slid closed behind us without anyone willing it to, but whatever. I wasn't planning on going back out any time soon. I just needed time to heal from this.

Stiles and Malia sat against a wall, and eventually Malia found her way sleeping in Stiles' lap after weakening substantially. Kira and Scott were across from them against the shelves, but Kira was pacing. And I was sitting up alone against a cold pillar on the cold floor, feeling my cold body trying to abandon me. The longer time passed, the more I felt the resentment and heartache swell in my chest at the fact that it could've been me curled up in Stiles' lap. How it should've been me.

I couldn't look at Stiles, mostly because I hated seeing them together. It hurt a lot, but Kira's words kept running through my mind. You shouldn't interfere. Let it play out naturally. Well, this whole 'natural' bullshit was getting harder and harder to watch the more I saw them.

But I guess I was a masochist because I looked over anyway. He had her wrapped up in his arms, and she was sleeping and still sweating. He brushed hair out of her face, looking at her like she was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. Maybe she was.

He looked up to me, and I immediately looked away, hoping he didn't see me watching him as I curled into my own little safe, self-protecting ball away from old boyfriends and new girlfriends, and I hugged my knees to my chest. It was harder said than done because every movement made my body ache like I'd been through the ringer 15 times in a row.

Stiles sighed and said, "You know this is where it all started." His voice echoed tormentingly. "That's where the money was." He pointed to the unsafe safe. "117 million in bearer bonds."

Kira picked up a random jar with what looked like mushroom in it. "How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?"

"Bank, I guess," Stiles answered. "They just let it sit here the whole time collecting dust."

"They weren't just gathering dust. The longer they were in here, the more they were worth. He was making a profit," I corrected weakly, barely even bothering to open my eyes. It was getting harder to keep them open. I didn't even have enough strength to keep myself sitting upright anymore, so I laid myself down on the cold concrete, still curled up.

"Yeah, well, you know bearer bonds are basically extinct?"

"Why does it matter?" Kira asked, sitting down next to Scott.

"You know how many problems that money could solve?"

"For you?"

"Me. My dad..." I frowned at the mention of his dad. I knew he was having about as much trouble as Melissa was having with money. It hurt my heart to know my friends were going through so much financial issues. "The Eichen House and MRI bills are crushing him."

"Mom does this thing," Scott said, scratching his chin uncomfortably. "She writes down all the items in our budget and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figures out how long we have until... W-we'd lose the house..."

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