Formality Part 1

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"Call it again," Scott said, searching high and low for his phone. I was sitting in Scott's green lounging chair, resting my head in my hand as I watched him jerk around the room like a squirrel. Stiles was sitting backwards in Scott's old rolling chair, also watching.

I groaned in boredom. "Scott, we've called your phone 15 times. I haven't heard it ring, or even vibrate, and my hearing is like five times as good as yours. It's not here." Scott didn't accept that answer and jumped over his bed to look on the other side for the sixth time.

"Okay, so you lost your phone," Stiles said. "Why don't you just get a new one?"

Scott shoved his arm under his bed again. "I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." He hopped up after coming up empty-handed.

"Well, 'A', you're not alone. You have us," Stiles told him, doing a cute little shrug.

"And 'B', didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire?" I completed for him when he frowned at Scott's non-answer. "He sounds pretty dead."

"Argent's plan was to use him to get the alpha. They're not gunna kill him."

"Alright. Then just let them do what they're planning. They use Derek to get Peter." Scott started throwing the contents of his closet out into his room, which was already messy enough. "Problem solved," Stiles said.

"I agree with Stiles. Peter is the bigger issue here," I added,

Scott stormed out of his closet and said loudly, "Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek!" He ran to the other side of the room to dig through his desk again. "I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find Derek first-. Just-just help me!" Scott threw a ball behind him, which hit Stiles in the face, making me fight a giggle.

Stiles jerked the ball to the floor, staring at the back of Scott's head, and I said, "You probably lost it when you two were fighting in the woods."

"Oh, right, when he was trying to kill you," Stiles said to Scott sarcastically.

I continued, "After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson?"

"Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?"

Scott stopped and looked over his shoulder at us. "He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die."

Stiles frowned, "Can you at least think about letting him die? For me? And Y/N?"

"Woah, keep me out of that. I don't him dead. I just want Peter out of the picture," I said holding my hands up in defense. Stiles narrowed his eyes at me and I shrugged at him. Derek was way too hot to want dead. "By the way, Scott, you're mom's home." Her breaks squeak, and I heard her car come to a stop in the driveway.

She started talking on the phone, leaving Peter a voicemail and I tuned it out, not wanting to hear her fawn over someone who she didn't know wanted to kill us all. I was pretty sure Scott kept listening, though. He leaned back against his desk with a sad face.

"Is she okay?" Stiles asked when Scott closed his eyes. He opened them and shook his head. "What's she doing?"

"Crying." Scott defeatedly walked over and fell back on his bed.

Stiles sighed, "Scott, you can't protect everyone."

"I have to."

"Well, you don't have to do it alone. I'll help you," I said quietly. I didn't know what I was signing up for, but I hoped it wouldn't kick my ass too hard.

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