Orphaned Part 2

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After showering in the locker room and changing to a pair of jeans and a maroon cardigan, I went to class for the day. Stiles was with Lydia at the police station talking to Parrish. Apparently, his name was on the dead pool for 5 million dollars. I knew he wasn't a werewolf because I would've sensed it, but he was something according to the list. They went to find out what. And also to convince him to get Meredith out of Eichen House again so they can do their banshee mind thing.

The day seemed to drag on. Malia had left class for some reason that I didn't pay attention to, and all my teachers kept asking me where my friends were. Like I was gunna tell them. Finally, though, lunch came. I was starving. It'd been a solid few days since I'd eaten because it was the weekend, so I was happy to finally be at school to get the lunch.

I went through the line and grabbed minimal items, nothing that would cost extra. Whatever was in there still, I needed it to last. As I was about to enter my lunch number and leave, the lady stopped me.

"You need money," she said uncaringly. My stomach dropped to my feet as I stared at the food in front of me. It was weird how school food was beginning to seem appetizing. I swallowed thickly, knowing I was holding up the line, but embarrassment making my face flush red.

"Um, I don't have any," I told her.

"Then you can't have this. Bring money tomorrow." I watched her take the trey from my hands and I blinked away tears of famine and humiliation.

"Okay," I whispered, turning my back to her. I walked out of the line to go sit down with Scott at the table.

"Hey, where's your food?" he asked, unintentionally rubbing my poverty in my face.

"I wasn't hungry," I lied.

He frowned at me, reminding me of the way Stiles does right before he's about to scold me. "Y/N, you need to eat."

"I did. This morning. I-I had a big breakfast." I smiled at him, hoping it would make me convincing, and for now, it seemed to work. Thank god.

Scott was odd around me through lunch, like he was feeling guilty about something. I brushed it off, thinking it might have something to do with his family. But if Scott didn't get back to normal with me soon, I was going to have a talk with him. I hated it when he acted like this around me.

As I walked down the hall after lunch, I shook out my light-headedness, stopping by a locker to blink away the fuzzy vision I was getting. It wasn't the first time this happened. It had been happening for a few days now, but what could I do about it.

I noticed Mason by his locker, but he was alone. I'd had this feeling eating at me since this morning, but I didn't know what it was, and it got even stronger when I didn't see Liam with Mason. I walked up to Mason, and he seemed surprised I was even talking to him.

"Hey, have you seen Liam?" I asked.

"Uh, not since our run this morning. He kind of just disappeared on me." Mason shrugged, but I could tell he was a little concerned about it too. It only added to my concern.

"Okay, um... Thanks." As I turned to leave, I saw Scott walking down the hall, so I ran to him. "Scott! I gotta talk to you. I noticed Liam wasn't here, so I talked to Mason." Scott and I walked side-by-side, him listening intently. "He said Liam ran off without him this morning."

"Okay?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed with question, so I stopped him, making him face me.

"I have a bad feeling. And I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Liam, so please just... Can we look for him? Ask around a little?" I begged. I hoped Scott wouldn't ask why because honestly, what would I tell him? That I'd felt this weird connection to Liam since the first time I saw him even though I'd never talked to him? Yeah, right. Scott would love that, me stealing his Beta.

"I want to help," Mason said, stepping into our conversation. "Liam never goes off without me."

"Okay," Scott said soothingly, putting a hand on my shoulder like he was trying to calm me. "We'll ask around. What's his first period?"

"Econ with Coach," Mason replied instantly.

"Okay, let's check there first." Mason and I followed Scott down to Coach's office. He was chugging down a bottle of cold medicine like it was vodka. Honestly, he didn't look so hot, but I wasn't too worried about it. Humans get sick.

"Hey, Coach," I said, capturing his attention. He glanced at me with a frown. "Have you seen Liam today?" He sighed, taking another swig of the syrup, then let out a loud wheezing cough.

"Sorry, guys. Liam skipped my class," he said. "Maybe he's sick." He sniffled to make a point. "Like me." As the three of us looked at each other, Coach drank more medicine. I wondered if he knew there was a limit on how effective it would be.

"Liam didn't look sick on our run," Mason told us. Scott checked his phone and frowned.

"He's not getting back to any of my texts."

"Mine either," Mason sighed as the bell rang.

"Don't worry. I'll find him," Scott promised. "Text me if you see him."

"I'm gunna go back the trail. See if maybe I can track him," I said, already turning to walk away as I waved at them.

It was a quick but wonderful walk alone to the trail. I felt sluggish and weak still, but at least I was alone with my thoughts. I walked slowly, not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't force my feet to move much faster. But, so I wouldn't have to admit that fact, I convinced myself it was really because I didn't want to miss any evidence.

I started at the beginning of the trail Mason and Liam took. I could still smell them on it. I was still overwhelmed by how much I could smell since the change, but it was kind of cool. Liam's scent was a lot stronger than Mason's, and it wasn't until later that I found out why.

After about half an hour of walking, I stopped in front of semi-dried drops of blood. It smelled like Liam, and it was sort of fresh. That meant my instinct had been right. Something had happened to Liam. But by who? What did this person do? And where did they take Liam?

To memorize the scent, I dipped my fingers in the blood and brought it up to my nose, inhaling deeply. Once I felt the scent lock, I wiped the blood on my jeans and kept on walking, following the smell.

When I got back to school with nothing to show for my hunt, Scott pulled me to the side. He was talking fast and hushed.

"It's Garrett, he's the one who took Liam. He stabbed Liam with some kind of wolfsbane that'll kill him when it reaches his heart. He didn't tell me where he is. He wants me to do something for him first."

"What?" I asked. Scott let out a heavy sigh, looking at me with pity.

"He wants me to break Violet out. They're taking her to some mental institution, and I have to stop the car." Scott's voice sounded full of regret.

I was silent for a second, staring at the ground while I thought. If I let Scott break Violet out, I let my parents' killer go free, but if I don't, Liam dies. How was I supposed to make a decision like that? I looked down at the dirt and inhaled deeply. I'd found nothing of Liam, not even a scent outside of the blood. I couldn't let him die, too.

"Okay. I'll help you," I decided. Sure, I was going to help, but that didn't mean I was going to let them leave. At least, not alive.

"No!" Scott said instantly, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Are you sure? I can-."

"No. I don't want your help. Just go home, Y/N." Scott ran off quickly, leaving me staring at his back with my mouth hanging open. Did that really just happen?

For a second, I thought Scott would turn around with a smile and say, "Haha Just kidding. Let's go." Of course, that didn't happen.

Only as I was walking home did I realize that Scott probably didn't want my help because he knew I was too weak to actually be of any help. My heart started to race with panic as I wondered if he also knew I was lying to him. If he did, would he be able to forgive me? And if he knew, did Stiles know, too?

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