Abomination Part 1

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Deaton began to tell Scott to take off his shirt, but Scott interrupted him.

"No, help Y/N first," Scott said. Deaton paused but complied, telling me to remove my shirt. I tried to fold my arms protectively across my chest, but it stung so I hissed quietly and stepped back.

"I-I..." My eyes darted between the two. Scott was staring at me confused and Deaton was gathering supplies while waiting. "Scott, can you... Can you, like, turn around...or something?"

Scott made a face, but did as I asked and I stripped off my shirt, holding my hands over my breasts. I was wearing a bra, but of course Derek had slashed through that, too, so my whole business was out there for anyone to see.

Deaton took a professional approach, which I appreciated greatly.

Deaton said, "You're the werecat, correct?" Surprised he knew who I was I nodded. "It's good to finally meet you. Scott's told me a lot about you."

"You, too," I smiled lightly.

Then to both of us, he said, "They're coming back, so we don't have much time to talk." Deaton dabbed something from a bottle onto a cotton swab.

"What is that?" I asked nervously.

"Rubbing alcohol," he said like he found it funny that it'd be anything but. "You don't want it to get infected, do you?"

"No, sir," I replied, I let him swab the cool wetness over my chest, keeping my eyes locked on the wall. I was sure my cheeks were bright red. The cool liquid stung, but I tried to keep my protests inside. "You'll heal the same. Just not as quickly because of Derek." Deaton put down the swab and grabbed for something else.

"Okay, how do you know all this?" Scott asked over his shoulder. "Actually, how you know anything?"

Deaton hurriedly taped gauze patches over my chest. "It's a long story." I stepped back so he could help Scott. I threw my hopeless bra and shirt in the trash, covering my breasts with my hands. Scott glanced over and took off his jacket and tossed it to me. I thanked him profusely, zipping it up.

"What I can tell you is that I know about your kind. Less about werecats considering I've only met a few. However, I can help," Deaton said while finishing up on Scott. He looked at the body. "This is something different."

"Do you know what did it?" I said.

"No. But the Argents will. And this is the crucial part. They'll have some kind of record or book. It'll have descriptions, histories, notations of all the things they've discovered," Deaton explained quickly.

"All the things? How many different things are there?" Scott blurted. I had to admit, I hoped the 'all the things' list was pretty small. Before Deaton could answer, his little bell tinkled, signaling someone had entered. I was almost glad Deaton didn't get to answer the question.

Scott and I hid in a closet at Deaton's demand, and instantly got to work pretending to be working. Mr. Argent, one of his goons, and Gerard came in to chat with Deaton.

"I'm starting to think I need to buy a more prominent 'closed' sign," Deaton snarked. Argent scoffed with annoyance.

"Hello, Alan," Gerard greeted. I heard Deaton's heart rate kick up with nervousness. "It's been a while. Last I heard, you had retired."

"Last I heard, you followed a code of conduct," Deaton replied.

Argent's gruffer voice said, "If you hadn't noticed, this body is one of ours."

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