Illuminated Part 3

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Stiles leaned back against his jeep and I leaned against him, gazing into his eyes and trying to figure out what had been different about him. His arms rested over my butt as he held me, my hands flat on his chest.

"Are you feeling okay lately?" I asked.

"Yeah, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, it's just... Something is different about you. You look like you haven't slept in a while, and the way you talked to McCall back there? I've never seen you do that before," I listed. Stiles chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired of him treating my dad like that," he said.


"Really, babygirl, I'm okay." I smiled at him and stood on my toes to press my lips to his. And of course, as I was doing so, Scott and Kira ran up. I jerked away from Stiles like I'd been caught stealing. Stiles chuckled and slid his hand into mine, making me relax.

"We did it. All the pics deleted," Scott grinned goofily.

"God, that was awesome!" Kira panted happily. I giggled at her enthusiasm. "I mean, terrifying, completely terrifying, but kind of awesome." Scott smiled down at her while Stiles and I laughed. "I've never done anything like that before. Have you?"

My smile dropped, Scott pursed his lips, and Stiles' mouth hung open in a non-answer as he looked over to me and Scott.

"Yeah, once or twice," Stiles forced. Kira nodded, pouting her lip out like she thought it was cool. Scott inhaled awkwardly.

"I guess I should take you home," Scott said to Kira. She frowned and nodded.

"Or you can come with us. Stiles and I are going to a black light party," I said and Stiles rolled his eyes while Kira perked up.

"I'm not going," Stiles quickly corrected.

"He's going because he doesn't want me to dance with Isaac," I threatened, even though I would never do that to him.

"I'm going."

"I'm sure Scott's coming, too. Aren't you, buddy?" I said. I was getting good at this whole 'getting people to do what I want' thing. Must be Lydia's influence.

"Uh, yeah. You should definitely come. It'll be fun," Scott caught on. She smiled widely and nodded.

"Great. See you guys there. Come on, babe." I reached up to peck a small kiss on Stiles' frowning cheek before going to my side of the car.


As we walked into the party, techno beats drowned out Stiles, who was telling Scott about the mystery key. All work and no play makes Stiles a very dull boy.

"You wanna leave so we can figure it out?" Scott asked, honestly ready to do it.

"Um, no. Nobody's leaving," I demanded. "We're gunna stay here, forget about the supernatural for one freaking night, and have normal teenage lives, okay? Kira, tell them."

"Uh..." She looked at them nervously. "I think it'll be fun."

"See? The women have spoken," I nodded with finality.

"Y/N, I d-," Stiles started.

"Sh," I said, draping my arms across his shoulders so I could whisper in his ear. "You wanna paint my body?"

As I pulled back to smile at him, he said, "God, yes." I grinned and took his hand, sending a 'have fun' to Scott and Kira while I dragged Stiles to the painting booth. The lady there smiled as I picked up a paint brush.

I handed Stiles the brush, then smirked at him as I lifted my shirt above my head. I stood in front of him in my white lace bralette. It glowed in the light as Stiles gawked at me.

"Well? Start painting," I said. He smiled and immediately started splattering the paint over my body. I let him go, switching off colors as he pleased, until he stepped back with a satisfied nod. Before I looked, I applied some of the orange lipstick to my lips then checked myself in the mirror. I couldn't lie, it looked pretty awesome. "Well done, Stiles." I plopped a kiss onto his cheek, leaving the orange kiss mark behind in its place.

"Wanna dance?" he asked. I nodded, smiling at the fact that he seemed to be enjoying himself as he led me to the dance floor.

His hands were on my hips, but he let me move them in the ways that I wanted. We were so close that not even paper could fit between us as we danced to the beat.

It seemed like everyone was here. Allison, Isaac, Danny, the twins, and even Lydia, though she didn't seem to be enjoying herself. Isaac and Allison were, though, as they danced almost as close as Stiles and I were.

Isaac noticed me watching and frowned, so I smiled at him to let him know it was okay, then I returned my attention to Stiles. His lips were close to mine, his tongue darting out every once in a while to wet them.

When the beat picked up, I had to step away from him so I wouldn't be tempted to jump his bones right there on the dance floor. He grinned and started doing the sprinkler while his mouth hung open with enjoyment. I laughed as he took my hand.

"I'm gunna go get some beers. Wait for me by the stairs?" I asked. He nodded and we parted ways. The ice in the beer bucket was melted completely. They were still chilled, though, so that was fine. I grabbed two and walked back to Stiles, who was sitting on the steps.

Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt