The Overlooked Part 3

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The three of us walked into the hallway, Peter practically buzzing with adrenaline, and the twins were standing at the opposite end side-by-side, growling lowly at us.

"Alright boys," Peter panted. "Let's rumble." My claws and fangs shot out in preparation. They merged as they walked towards us, and Peter growled, meeting the Twin halfway. The Twin tossed Peter to the side, swung Scott over his back, and pushed me against the wall. Blood trickled down my temple at the contact it made with a door handle. Peter hugged the Twin's waist, distracting him while Derek, Blake, Stiles, and Cora snuck out of the room.

As the Twin punched Peter, I slashed at his thighs, and he pushed Peter away. He turned, clasped his hands together and brought them down forcefully onto my back. I splatted against the floor with a grunt while Scott jumped over me. While the Twin threw both Scott and Peter away, it gave me enough time to get up. We all ran in the opposite direction of the others, hoping the Twin would follow us.

We ran for what felt like 10 minutes, and when we could no longer hear them, Peter fell against a wall, panting, only now it was due to the epinephrine wearing off.

"That shot didn't last very long," Scott said, hoisting Peter up. We ran down a bit more before I opened a door called Soiled Laundry. Waving them in, I closed the door behind them and looking out with small window for the Twin.

"Those twins are really starting to piss me off," Peter grunted.

"How the hell are we supposed to get past them?" Scott asked.

"Personally, I think if we keep letting them beat the living crap out of us, they'll tire and give up," Peter snarked.

"Not likely..." After a moment, I said, "I could steer them away. Give you a chance to get out, get your mom, take Stiles and the others far away from here."

"Do you know how pissed Stiles would be if I let you do that, Y/N? Not even that. Do you know how pissed I would be at myself for letting you do that?" Scott responded.

Facing him, I threw my hands in the air. "Well, Scott, we don't have many choices here. And I'm the only one out of us three who can actually come back to life. You're my best friend, Scott, I have to do something."

"Not that."

"Okay, we get it. We all love each other here. Let's get on with it," Peter grumbled.

"Okay, Scott. Fine. What else can we do?" I relented, my shoulders sagging as I tried to come up with another plan. Scott shook his head and shrugged, then immediately he went still. He was staring at the laundry chute. Peter noticed it and made an unhappy sound, but hey, it beat the alternative.

"That'll work. Let's go," I said. Scott held open the small door for me, and I pulled myself up to put my feet in first. Please let there be a soft landing. I inhaled then slid down like a waterslide.

Luckily, I landed in a full laundry hamper. But then Peter landed on top of me.

"Ow, get off, you moron," I grumbled, pushing him off. Scott slid down, but he landed on top of Peter and I chuckled as he grunted. Peter shoved Scott away as he righted himself. Scott's phone vibrated and he checked it, his face automatically dropping.

"They didn't get out, did they?" Peter asked, skillfully jumping out of the hamper. My stomach dropped.

"Where is Stiles?" I asked.

"I don't know. It was from Derek," Scott replied once we both were out.

"Scott, I-."

"I know. We'll find him first."

I nodded, squeezing Scott's hand in thanks before we started running to catch up to Peter. I listened for Stiles' voice, and I found him in the garage. I was pretty sure he made it to the ambulance, and he was talking to an unconscious Cora about how Scott and I would get them safe. Then he cried, saying he didn't want to find his father's body.

Scott and I found our way to the garage carrying an increasingly weakened Peter while I listened to Stiles' voice the whole time. We had to stop once we were in the garage because the Twin was walking through. I pressed my back up against a wall, my hand over my mouth to silence my breathing. As the Twin passed the ambulance, Stiles' heart rate picked up exponentially.

Finally, the Twin left the garage. We waited for a bit longer, just in case they decided to turn back. I ran to the back of the ambulance and tapped the door. Stiles, who had been reaching out to check the door, jumped back fearfully.

"Open the door," I said. Stiles sighed and unlocked the doors, pushing them open so we could get Peter into the ambulance.

"Bet that's the last time you take epinephrine," I told Peter as he slumped against the wall.

"Shut up," he replied.

"Where's Derek and Jennifer?" Stiles asked.

"I have to go back for them, and my mom," Scott replied, panting lightly.

"Okay, two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins like 30 seconds ago," Stiles nodded. A banging sounded behind us, making Scott and I jump and glance in that direction, already on edge.

"Stay here," Scott said to me.

"No. I'm going with you. And we don't have time to argue, so don't try."

Scott nodded and I looked at Stiles, happy he was okay, then I closed the doors to the ambulance. Scott and I walked cautiously back into the hospital. The halls were flooded with almost a green light casting an eerie glow over everything.

"Thanks for coming with me," Scott said.

"You don't have to thank me. That's what family does," I replied. Scott smiled and nodded at me. We both stopped in the hall, feeling that sneaky suspicion that we weren't alone. Behind us, a metal tink sounded like someone dropped a wrench on the tile. Scott yelled duck, and we both dodged just in time for the Twin's fist to zoom past us and connect with the metal file cabinet. It dented inwards noisily, then the Twin swung, missing Scott, but then grabbed our necks, holding us against the wall.

"Where is she?" the Twin yelled, two voices speaking at the same time. It seemed almost impossible to answer when I had so little air flowing to my lungs. My feet dangled uselessly beneath me, searching for ground. "We're trying not to hurt you!"

"Try harder," Scott choked out.

"Hey!" a woman called. It was Melissa. The Twin dropped me and Scott and turned to Melissa. She had two defibrillator paddles in her hand. "I'd like to try something."

The Twin took one step toward her and she shoved the paddles against his chest. I could almost see the surges of electricity pumping through him as he growled and twitched. He fell to the floor in two. Ethan and Aiden groaned with the residual electricity.

I smiled up at Melissa, in awe of her.

"Kids, get up," she said, throwing the paddles down. She offered each of us a hand to help us stand, then we ran while the twins were still down.

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