Chapter 99

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Peter's POV:

This is so boring! I look at Zafina and she looks down at the area Louis is talking about. I know everything about this island already. Not to long later. Zafina's grip tightens on my hand. I lol at her and she's looking down at something with a serious look. I see the destroyed old jail cell. There's not much left of it but still...I nudge her and she looks at me. I kiss her then kiss her nose.

She smiles and we continue. After the tour we all eat lunch. "What about off Neverland?" Zafina asks Louis. Everyone stops talking and looks at her and Louis. I think everyone wanted to ask that question. "What do you mean?" Louis asks. "Like other islands." she says. "Uh...I'm not sure...never traveled far from this island besides to Earth." he says.

She sighs and looks down at her food. "I know." I hear someone say. I look and it's Tink. When the fairies want to talk to everyone they have these little microphone things so we can all hear them. "You've seen other islands around here?!" Zafina asks with excitement. "Yup." Tink says. "Can we see them?" Louis asks also excited. "Um..." Tink says with a serious face. "Hold on." she says and flies off.

Everyone looks around at each other confused. Not to long later she flies back with the queen fairy with her. All the original lost boys including me get up and bow. The new lost boys and lost girls follow our lead. "Who's that?" Zafina whispers asks. "The queen fairy." I say. Zafina looks back at the queen with wide eyes. The queen flies up to Zafina. Zafina stand straight up.

"So I hear your he curious one who wants to see other islands." she says. "Um...yeah...if we can." Zafina says nervously. The queen smiles. "Of coarse! I've been waiting for a curious one to come along!" the queen says joyfully. Zafina smiles. "You will all need a refill on fairy dust and might want to wait till tomorrow because it takes half a day to get to the closest one." she says.

"How many are there?!" Harry asks. "Oh many!" the queen says. Wow I didn't even know this! "So does everyone want to go visit the island tomorrow?" the queen asks looking at everyone. Everyone says yes in different ways. "Okay! I'll meet you all here at...oh...say 8am tomorrow!" she says smiling. "We'll be here." I say. The rest of the day everyone talks about what could be on the islands.

I think Louis and Zafina are probably the most excited. I have to admit I'm pretty excited too. I've been here for a long ass time and had no idea there were other islands! Tink won't tell me what's on the island. All she said was that I'll like it. I wonder what's going to be there. Other humans? More fairies? Mermaids? Aliens? Animals? A city? The possibilities are endless! We all make a plan for tomorrow.

Everyone's going to eat breakfast first then bring a lunch. Night time comes and Zafina sleeps with me again which I'm perfectly okay with! We talk for awhile about the island and everything. Finally we shut the lights off. A little while later I'm still laying there not able to sleep. I look at the clock. It's 1:16 in the morning! Damn! "Can't sleep?" I hear Zafina ask. "No. Can you?" I ask.

That's a dumb question! Obviously she can't if she's still awake talking to me! "Nope. To excited." she says. I smile. I pull her towards me and we cuddle. I am the luckiest guy in the world! "I love you." I say randomly. "I love you too." she says half awake. I close my eyes, snuggle her, and fall asleep.

Zafina's POV:

I wake up to my alarm. I smile and sit right up! I'm so excited!! I get up and make sure I have everything. I hear groans from Peter. I go over to him. "Wakey wakey baby!" I say. He groans and rolls over. I sigh. "C'mon Peter! Time to go see the island!" I say. "No." I hear him say into his pillow. I pull off the covers and hear him groan louder. I walk out of the room and get ready by brushing my teeth, getting dressed, ect.

I come back in and he's still laying there! "Peter Pan Horan! Get up!" I say loud. "Say it again." he says. "Say what?" I ask. "My full name." he says. I smile. "Peter Pan Horan." I say. He lifts his head up and looks at me. He smiles. I roll my eyes smiling. He gets up and comes over to me. He puts his hands on my waist and looks at me right in the eyes.

"Zafina Diane Roberts." My heart just melted! I kiss him and it's turns into a make out. He slides his hands down me. I pull away. "Peter we have to go!" I say. He gives me puppy eyes and whines. God damn your Irish charm! "Nope!" I say and walk away. He gets ready and we walk out. Some people are already at the meeting place including the Queen and some other fairies.

Once everyone is out here we all get refills on fairy dust. Peter blows mine off his hand into my face. It's a little weird but totally romantic! "Good morning everyone!" the Queen says. Everyone says good morning back. "I hope you are all as excited as I am for you all to see this island! You're all going to love it there! I must warn you though you have to do what we tell you!

Also it does take awhile to get there and we can't stop so if anyone gets the little bit tired or sore please tell us! Let's keep this a fun, safe trip!" the Queen says to us all. We head off and everyone talking about what could be there. I look back and see Neverland. Wow! The sun is rising and it looks so beautiful! I stop and turn around still up in the sky. I hold my phone up and snap a few pictures.

I turn back and catch back up to Peter. I look at the pictures and save the best one. I make it my wallpaper then put my phone back in my pocket. This is kind of boring already. I'm excited but this is boring! I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone. I blast music and continue flying.


All of the sudden I feel someone poking me like crazy. I pause my music and look. It's Peter. "Look!" he says pointing down. I look and there's dolphins jumping out of the water below us! They're following us! I take a bunch of pictures and videos. They're so beautiful! We all make dolphin sounding noises and they makes noises back! This is so cool! I want to touch one!

"Do you think we can touch them?!" I ask Peter. "I don't know you can try." he says. "I wanna try with you!" Harry says turning around looking at us. "Okay!" I say. We tell everyone else to stop and me and Harry fly down to the water. We wet our hands then hold them just above the water. Nothing happens. We put our bodies into the water still holding a hand out. Nothing happens.

All of the sudden a dolphin jumps out of the water near us and makes a noise then goes back in. It happens a few more times with more dolphins and we get closer. In my other hand I have my phone recording. All of the sudden something touches my foot. "Something touched my foot!" I tell Harry. "I felt it too!" he says. Then a dolphin comes next to me and put it's head under my hand. Whoa!

I pet it's wet slippery skin. It points it's head up to me and I give it a kiss. After it makes a noise and slowly swims over to Harry. Eventually all the dolphins are letting us touch them and everyone else is in the water! This is so freakin cool!

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