Chapter 4:

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I don't understand why Charlie gets in trouble for barking. Barking is what dogs are so post to do but one time Sasha hit him for barking in front of me. I punched her in the face and broke her nose. I got it ALOT of trouble for it but I don't care. You do not abuse animals in front of me!!!

I ran after him and he was barking at the sky. "Charlie there's nothing there c'mon!" I say. He stops and comes in. I swear the dogs like a human he's extremely smart! He does human things all the time. I love him. We lay back down. "Charlie I know barking is what your so post to do but I don't want you to get in trouble. I love you." I say hugging him.

Not to long later we fall asleep. Sadly it's already the end of July which means one more month till school then the next month after that it starts getting cold! I'm not ready for either of those things! The rest of the summer I pretty much do the same things everyday. Be lazy all day or go 4-wheeling or hang out with Ben or hang out with Mona or do some stuff with Charlie or go look around my new neighborhood.

My new neighborhood looks like the total opposite of my old town. In my town we had the developments, the trailer parks, the normal houses, the apartments, a few stores, poor people, rich people, crazy people, drug attics, sex attics...we had all different kinds of people and yes we weren't a really "good" town but we didn't really bully a lot.

Bullies where I can from were either beaten by the person they were bullying or beaten by everyone else. New kids didn't come a lot but when they did we welcomed them. I loved my town. Yes a lot of drugs, sex and pregnant teens walking around but it's my hometown. This town is like all rich rude stuck up people besides Ben, his friends and Mona.

Which I just found out there's like two different parts of this town. The part where my house is with all the stuck up people that have that have their yards and houses and shit all looking perfect then the part where Ben and his friends live that is like normal people. The people I like. Both parts of towns pretty much hate each other and both parts go to the same school.

August came fast since there was only like a week left of July. At least once a week Charlie would get up right when I'm asleep and run of barking out my slide doors then bark at the sky. I don't know why he does it but I hope he stops soon. Today is August, 13th and its Friday. Yup Friday the 13th. Sasha has been freaking out all day because she watched Friday the 13th and cried!

She's scared of any horror movie while I absolutely love them! The one she's most afraid of is Halloween. I have a keyboard in my room and I make sure every time I play it and she's home I turn up the volume and play the Michael Myers song just for her. For once I'm actually out in the house since Trevor said he had a surprise for me.

He told me to wait in the living room so here I am waiting. Sasha walks in. "Ew wow is that really how you dress?" she asks me examining me. I look at what I'm wearing. Converse, jean shorts and a baggy t-shirt like I always where. "Ew is that really the best thing you could come up with?" I ask in a high pitched voice mocking her.

"You see what I'm wearing its called fashion." she says admiring her high heels, mini skirt and belly shirt. Fashion? She looks like a prostitute! "You see this face? It's called not giving a fuck." I say. All of the sudden Trevor jumps out wearing a Jason Vorees costume. Sasha screams, starts crying and runs to her room!

Oh my gosh! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. "Tah dah your surprise." he says. "You know what your not as bad of a stepbrother as I thought you were." I say hugging him. That seriously just made my day! I wipe tears away and walk outside. Its already getting dark out. I go on a run with Charlie till dark then go to my room.

My stepfather says Charlie has to sleep downstairs tonight. I hate him. I lay in my bed bored out of my mind. I doze off and dream of warm, beachy, lovely Florida. I get waken from a noise. I open my eyes and see a figure standing in my room. My heart stops and I sit up. I reach behind me for the knife I keep under my pillow not removing my eyes from the figure.

It steps into the light and all I can see is parts of their face. I can see blue eyes and short blonde hair. I step off my bed holding the knife behind me. I hear my stepsister yell in the hallway and take a quick glance at the door then back at him. I'm guessing it's a male. He's running out the window! "Wait!" I yell running after him.

I run on to the deck and nobody's there. "I'm loosing my mind." I say to myself out loud. I go back to bed. About 2 weeks pass without me seeing the boy again. Charlie now has a huge dog house in the back yard he has to sleep in at night. I miss him sleeping with me. School is just a few days away and I'm more nervous then ever. Trevor is a Freshmen this year while me and Sasha are sophomores.

The house is a ways from the school. I have always walked to school so just yet another new change I'm going to have to get used to. I get my schedule, a map, a welcoming letter and other papers in the mail. Trevor has to start a day before me for Freshmen day. I start school in 4 days! Thanks to the map they sent me I pretty much know where all my classes are. I lay in bed looking over the map for the thousandth time.

I set it away and pull out my "Florida Book" all my friends from Florida made for me so I'd never forget them. I cry as I look they the pictures. "I miss you guys so much!" I cry to my book. All of my friends made sure they took a picture with me before I left to put in here. There's also pictures of my town, my old house, my old school, the restraunt and many other things.

I close the book and shut my light of and cry myself to sleep. I wake up from the feeling of someone starring at me. I shoot my eyes open and the boy from a few weeks ago is sitting at the foot of my bed. I sit up and shoots up onto my wall! I can see him fully now in the moonlight from slide doors. He is tall, built, has short blonde hair that sticks up in the front, beautiful blue eyes, and he is slightly dirty with dirty clothes on.

He is wearing only ripped up shorts and a ripped up t-shirt. Also he isn't touching the ground! He! Someone opens my door and the boy shoots out my doors as fast as light. "Hey time for bed. School starts soon." my mother says. I hear Charlie begin to bark. Probably at the boy. "Damn dog." my mom says before closing my door.

I walk out to the deck but again he is gone. I go back to bed. I dream of the gorgeous blue eyed boy and wonder if I should be scared of him or not. Sadly the last few days of summer fly by fast and before I know it it's my first school night. I can't sleep at all that night of coarse to worried of what's gonna happen the next day. That day is today. I wake up and get ready.

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