Chapter 58:

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and look at a clock. What?! Oh my gosh! It's freaking 3pm! I get up and get dressed. I walk into Ricky's room and see a megaphone on his dresser. Why does he have this? He doesn't need it! I take it and turn it up all the way. I fly over him with it. "Wake up Ricky!" I yell. He sits up suddenly. I laugh. "Haha very funny." he says then walk out. I'm still laughing. Ah I should have recorded that!

I put the megaphone back and walk out to the living room. "Are we working on Storm's house today?" Ricky's asks. "I don't know." I say. He gets dressed and we fly out. The others are still asleep. I look over at Ricky and he knows what I'm thinking. He flys into his house and comes out with the megaphone. He clears his throat smiles at me and sneaks into Harry's house. I stay outside of the house and wait to hear it.

First I hear Ricky yell "WAKE UP BITCH!" through the microphone. I burst out laughing. Then I hear "Get bloody out of there!" from Harry. Ricky comes out laughing. He hands me the megaphone. "Your turn." he says smiling. I laugh and look around. Mmm who should be the next victim? Liam! I sneak into his house. I go in his room, fly over him and turn the megaphone on. I open my mouth to shout.

"Don't even try it." I hear Liam say. Crap! "Damn it." I say and fly out. Ricky holds out his hand for the megaphone. "He was already awake." I say. "I believe that." he says laughing. Yup Liam would be the only one already up. I decide Sam should be next. This will be fun. I evilly grin at Ricky before sneaking in. I fly into his room and fly over him. "WAKE UP YOU LAZY BASTARD!" I scream into the megaphone. He sits up with a confused look.

I laugh. He looks up at me. "Ugh what the fuck man!" he says. "Time to get up." I say into the megaphone and fly out. Ricky goes to Trevor next. After I go to Zayn. I sneak in his house and see graffiti all over his walls. Did he do that? Wow it looks really good! I go in his room and fly over him. "ZAYN WAKE UP!" I scream into the megaphone. Nothing happens. "ZAYN!" I scream into the megaphone.

There's another button on the megaphone that makes a really loud alarm noise. I do that and go closer to him. Finally I see movement of the giant pile of blankets. "WAKE UP!" I scream again. I hear a groan. I rip a blanket off just to see another blanket...I do this a few times. I finally find Zayn's arm. Then his face. He opens his eyes, flips me off and covers his face back up.

"IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP I WILL GO TELL LILLIAN THAT YOU LOOOOVE HER!" I yell into the megaphone. "Alright I'm up!" he says pissed sitting up. Ha I knew that would work. I fly out and me and Ricky to back forth waking up the rest. I'm glad Ricky chose JC's house cause apparently JC's dog Wishbone attacked Ricky. But Ricky just flu up over him while he was jumping trying to get at him.

I wish I saw that! After everyone is up they fly out to where me and Ricky are. When a few of them fly down we tell them to stay there and go to my house to wake up Storm and Zafina. This will be fun! We go in and sneak to the couch but they're gone! "Not again!" Ricky sighs. I head to the door. "Wait!" I hear Ricky yell. I turn back around and he's holding a note. I open it and it's from them.


Sorry if I worried you again! Me and Storm are up at the waterfall not in the cave but up at the top. Come when you wake up. By the way you look really cute when you're sleeping. Haha! I love you!

-Zafina & Storm

(but Zafina wrote this Storm doesn't love you! You're mine!)

I laugh. They both signed it and they have cool looking signatures. Then on the back there was a p.s but it someone scribbled over it so I couldn't read it that well but I looked closely and could read it.

P.S= Storm loves Ricky! She wants to have babies with him!

I laugh. I'm guessing Storm is the one who scratched it out. I let Ricky read it and he laughs too. I put it in my pocket and fly over to the boys. "Not sure what we're doing today just do whatever for now." I say then me and Ricky fly to the waterfall.

Storm's POV:

"Ooo that looks cute!" I say. Oops didn't mean to say that out loud! "What looks cute?" Zafina asks leaning over to see my screen. "Nothing!" I say clicking as fast as I can back to the google page. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Just...looking up what you told me to look up." I say. She looks at my screen. "You haven't searched anything!" she says.

"Alright. Alright. I was looking up furniture and stuff." I say going back to the page I was on. "Why?" she asks. "Well I heard we were going shopping after my house is done and I wanna know what I'm getting." I say. "Where is the store that your looking at?" she asks. "New York City of coarse. I heard that's where you guys were planning on shopping." I say.

She raises and eye brow. I never told you that." she says. Um... "Who told you?" she asks. "Uh...Peter!" I say. "Mmmhmmm." she says. My phone goes off saying I got a text. I glance at it then look back at her. She does the same. I reach for my phone as fat as I can but she gets it first. She gets up and runs away.

She stops to look at who it's from. "Oooo it's from Ricky!" she says smiling. "Give it back Zafina!" I yell. I catch up to her and she shoots into the air. She starts pressing the screen. "Oh looky here you still have the same password." she says smiling. I fly into the air but she flies away. Damit she's much better at flying then I am! "It says I'll be there in a minute with a winky face." she says reading the text.

I catch up to her. "He's coming here??" she asks. "No." I say taking my phone back. "He says he wants to show me this cool cave." I say excited. "Ah I see." she says. "So can I take a break?" I ask. "From all the hard work you've been doing? Sure!" she says sarcastically but I don't give a damn. "K thanks bye!" I say flying away. I go to the bottom of the falls where Ricky said he'd meet me. "Hello beautiful!" I hear. I smile. I know that voice. "Hi." I say turning around.

He smiles and walks over to me. "Ready?" he asks holding his hand out. "Ready!" I say taking it. We fly towards the falls and he directs me behind them. We land in cave and I look around. "Wow this place is beautiful!" I say. "Yeah it is that's why I chose it." Ricky says. I look and see a blanket with a basket on it. I look at him. He walks to the blanket and I follow with our hands still together.

He pulls out some food. "You like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?" he asks pulling stuff out. "Yeah of coarse." I say smiling. Awe I see this is like a picnic. He pulls out 2 sandwiches for me, 2 for him and water bottles for both of us. This is so cute! As we eat we talk about anything and everything. I think I'm in love with this boy.

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