Chapter 13:

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Peter's POV:

I look at the shirt and see Indian clothes laying with it. Indians?! No they wouldn't do that. Would they? Zayn comes back with a few Indians. I pick up the Indian clothes and show it to them. "Not ours." one says holding the clothes examining them. "Those are fake." another says. They begin to examine the net and the area around it.

I watch impatiently. "A girl got trapped in it, a boy came and walked around it a few times, he took off these clothes, cut her down then they went off." one says. "That way." another says pointing. We follow the Indians who follow the tracks.

Zafina's POV:

I walk out of the store. Milo holds my hands behind my back even though he doesn't need to their already together. Even more people are starring at us now. I see girl pirates finally. There dressed like sluts. At least I look like I fit in. Except there wearing a bunch of makeup and I'm wearing no makeup. "Hey Milo." they all say flirting.

All of them have there boobs pooping out but I can't say much because thanks to his shirt mine are too. "Who's this?" one girl says playing with my hair. I feel very uncomfortable right now. "This is Zafina. Peter brought her." Milo says. "Like Windy?" she asks. "Yup." he says. "So why did you being her here?" another girl asks.

"I'm hoping to make her a pirate. She only got here last night." he says. All the girls are crowding me and touching me. Freaks. "Alright we gotta go ladies." he says. "Aw." they all say sadly. They move out of the way and we begin walking away. "Man whore?" I ask when we get away from them.

"I guess you could say that." he says laughing. "They only like me because I'm the Captain." he says. We walk all the way through the village thing till we get to a huge ship. We go on the ship and go in it.

Milo makes me sit on a bed I'm guessing his bed. "You stay here till dark." he says. "What?!" I ask. "Trust me you will want to become a pirate after tonight." he says smiling. He walks out and locks the door behind him. I lay down and hope Peter finds me soon.

Peter's POV:

"They went in there." an Indian says pointing to the pirate village. "Should have know." I say. "Pirates are having a big party tonight." one says. "If you disguise yourselves you can probably blend well." another says. "Thank you." I say.

The Indians walk away. All the lost boys are here with me. "Lets just wait till tonight like he said." Liam says. "Alright." I sigh. I'm not sure I like this plan. What if Milo does something to her. We go back to the hideout tree and get our pirate costumes together and make a plan for tonight.

Zafina's POV:

"So why are there so many teen pirates?" I ask Smee. I can't believe I'm talking Smee. The Smee! It's pretty cool I have to admit! "Well the big battle when Hook got killed a lot of adult pirates died so these are their kids." he says. "Oh." I say. That makes since.

Smee let me out of the bedroom so I could walk around the big room on the ship. He still kept my hands tied together though. It looked pretty much like they show in the movies. Just like a pirate ship. "So do you like being bossed around by a 16 year old?" I ask.

"He's the Captain. Gotta take his orders." he says cleaning. Smee is like a pirate version of a butler. "So? I won't tell him what you say." I say not lying. "He's a pain in my butt!" Smee says. I laugh. "I believe that." I say. "You seem way to nice to be a pirate Smee." I say.

"I don't like to be mean." he says. "Why are you a pirate?" I ask. "Well I was a lost boy." he says. "You were?!" I ask. "Yeah. It was a long time ago though." he says smiling. "What happened?" I ask. "Hook convinced me to join the pirates...worst mistake I have ever made." he says.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I say. "It's my fault." he says. "So did the original lost boys go back with Windy?" I ask. "Some did. Only the ones that are still there stayed here." he says. "You have a lot of questions." he adds. "Yeah I do." I say. "Why don't you ask Peter?" he asks. "Well I just got here last night so I guess we haven't really had the time." I say.

"Oh." he says. "So why do you think I'm here?" I ask spinning in Milo's really comfy spiny chair. "I shouldn't be the one to tell you." he says. "Oh c'mon. I have till dark to talk to you. Please?" I beg. "Okay. Well the Captain heard that Peter was bringing another girl back here again so he waited and set up that trap for you. He wants you to join us instead of joining Peter." he says.

"He's waisting his time." I say. "Why?" he asks. "No offense to you but I would never be a pirate." I say. "Sadly you may reconsider that after tonight." he says.

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