Chapter 68:

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Zafina's POV:

What? My heart stops for a few seconds. Literally I hear the machine make the annoying noise saying it stopped. "I can't ever go back?" I ask. "No I'm sorry sweetheart. Your body can't take the pressure in that air tunnel." she says. "Well do I have to like take it easy for the rest of my life?!" I ask. "No no just for a week or so. It's just that air tunnel is a lot of pressure!" she says. "I'm so so sorry." she says.

"It's okay. Thank you for everything!" I say. We hug and she leaves. Charlie is awake. I pet him. "I'm so sorry baby!" he says. "It's okay...really. I can just pick out everything online then you guys can go get it when you get your stuff." I say. "Okay." he sighs.

"Well she said you have to stay here for the rest of the day then depending on his long you take to recover maybe some days after that." I say. "Aw man! I miss outside!" I say. "I know babe. I'm sorry." he says coming to me and running his hand through my hair.

"Tell everyone I said thank you for the stuff and you should go home." I say. "What?" he asks. "Go home for a little. Sleep in your bed, eat, shower whatever." I say. "Alright." he says. We kiss and leaves. Finally! I begin to cry. Charlie comes up and lays so his head is up closer to my face. "Can't ever to see California or Ireland or England or my hometown or anywhere or...Earth. I never get to see Earth again!" I say out loud. A little while later Storm comes in and brings me my lap top.

She's my angel! Everyone comes in and visits one at a time. When they're all done I go on Google Earth and look at everything that I'm never going to be able to see again. Storm brought me my lap top bag as well which has headphones in it so I put them in and listen to music.

I go on some news websites to see what's new. Their still talking about us being missing! Geez you think they would have given up already! Well actually it has only been like 2 months. I go back to Google Earth.

The more I think about how I can't go the more I just want to go. I wish I never went and got stabbed by Milo! That was a stupid idea! He's gonna pay! Yup. He will pay! I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Peter! I take my headphones out.

"Hey." I say. "Didn't bother you huh?" he asks looking at my screen. I close my lap top. He sighs. "I feel terrible!" he says. "Don't it's my fault!" I say. "It's mine as well. I got mad and called you all those names and stuff. I'm so stupid!" he says.

"No you're not." I say. He starts rambling on about how he's a fuck up that messing everything up. I zone out on his lips. I wanna kiss em! "...then she wanted to go back because I messed that up and-" he's saying. "Kiss me." I interrupt him.

He stops. "What?" he asks. "Kiss me." I repeat. He leans down and we kiss. I missed those lips. "When I get outta here and I'm all better were going to have fun!" I say smiling. "I'll never have to wear a condom!" he says. I giggle.

We kiss again. I hear someone clear their throat. Its Sadhvi! How embarrassing! I hope she didn't hear that! "Just checking up on the patient." she says checking out all the machines and stuff. She leaves and Peter just talks with me.

I stayed in the "hospital" for 3 days after that day. I got a lot done though! I read the cards and stuff from people. Also they all decided they would go back to NYC to shop so I made a list with pictures of everything I wanted, their prices and where to find them.

When I finally went back Peter carried me. Charlie and Peter were like stuck to me like glue or something. Storm was close but not as close as them. I found out she has actually been hanging out with JC lately. Oooo drama! It was SO much nicer laying on Peter's bed then laying in the damn bed their. They started the gym and are like half way done with it!

I really want to go see Storm's house and the laundry mat! Peter won't let me. He's mommying me big time! It's annoying. Kinda cute...but mostly annoying. I liked it when Storm was mommying me because she would always go off an I could do whatever. Peter is strict. I'm laying on the couch watching a movie. What movie is this? I forgot what I was watching after all the damn commercials.

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