Chapter 42:

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Zafina's POV:

We walked to the Aéro store. People looked at us like we all were crazy! I mean everyone else was wearing jeans and jackets and stuff and were wearing shorts and t-shirts. Damn it is cold! We finally find an Aéro store and its nice and warm inside. All of the others go to the guy section and I go to the girl section.

I find jeans and a hoodie. I'm pretty sure I'm good. "Do you need help with anything?" a girl that works there asks me. "No just looking for warm clothes." I say. "Yeah. You know it's November right?" she asks. "Yeah. We just got here and forgot to bring warm clothes." I say. "Oh where are you from?" she asks. Uhh... "Florida." I say.

I'm not technically lying. "You look so familiar." she says. "Oh...Well I'm going to go try on these clothes." I say. I walk into a changing room and try them on. They fit. Maybe I need a coat. I'm not sure. How much are these? Wait money?! Who has the money?! I change out of the clothes and walk out.

I find Connor. "Dude who has the money for all this?!" I ask. "Peter. He gave us all $50 for here. Ohhh you weren't with us when he gave it to us." he says. "Go find Peter and ask him for your $50." he adds. I walk away and search for Peter. This place is crazy. Finally I find him. "I've been looking for you!" he says when he sees me.

"Here's your $50." he says hanging me a $50. "Thanks. Do you think I need a coat?" I ask. "You already have one." he says pointing to my hoodie. "No this is a hoodie. Do I need an actual coat?" I ask. "I don't think so but up to you." he says. "Don't forget after this we have to go somewhere and make our lists." I say.

"Oh yeah!" he says. He's gonna forget again. I find my way in line and wait to buy the clothes. "Hey." someone says behind me. I turn its JC. "Hola." I say. "What did you get?" he asks. "Just jeans and a hoodie. What about you?" I ask. "Jeans, hoodie and a beanie." he says. "Another beanie?!" I ask.

When I walked into his house he showed me his huge hat collection he has. It's all pretty much beanies and SnapBacks. "Yes. I couldn't help it." he says smiling. I move up in line. "So you and Peter huh?" he asks moving his eyebrows up and down. "Psh." I say. "Why psh?" he asks. "Long story." I say. "Long line. I've got time." he says.

I explain the whole Storm thing and how were not technically dating and realize it wasn't that long of a story. But when I'm done were only about 10ft from cashier. "Ah I see." he says when I'm done. "Yeah." I say. "Well at least Peter has you." he says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well there's one girl with 11 guys. Only one of us gets the girl and the rest of us have to stay single forever." he says.

"I'm sorry." I say. "It's okay. It's better then being where I was before." he says. "Where were you guys before?" I ask. "Me, Kian, Connor, Ricky and Sam all lived in one room in a house with terrible foster parents in California." he says. "Wow I'm sorry!" I say. "What about you? Where did you come from?" he asks. "Well I lived in a small town in Florida with just me and my mom.

Then she married this horrible man and made us move in with him in Vermont. He has a daughter and a son. Obviously Trevor and I hated everything about it. We lived in a preppy up tight neighborhood. Everyone was mean and hated me except Trevor and Charlie. Even my mom hated me. I guess Sasha was the perfect daughter she always wanted. My step dad didn't want me so neither did she." I say.

"Wow. I'm sorry." he says. "It's alright. At least I'm not there anymore." I say. "Yeah I guess we all needed some saving." he says. "Yup and sadly there's millions out there that still need it." I say. Finally were at the cashier! I buy the jeans and hoodie then step out if the way and wait for JC. There's 3 cashiers and we were in the middle line so there were people crowded on either side of us!

He bought his clothes and grabbed my hand. Um. He pushed thru the crowd and pulled me behind him. We made it out of the store. He let go of my hand. "Geez! You'd think it was Black Friday!" he says. I look and see a signs everywhere that says Black Friday all over the place. I nudge him and point to one of the signs.

"That explains the crowd and how cheap these were!" he says. We stand and wait for the others. I pull out my phone and make a list of the stuff I need on my notepad. "What are you doing?" he asks. "Making my list." I say. He watched over my shoulder and watches me type. I can smell his breath.

It smells very good. I hope mine smells okay! "Write yours on your phone." I say. "I don't have a phone." he says. "You don't?!" I ask. "No. I've never had one." he says. "Wow that sucks! You should get one today." I say. "Maybe." he says shrugging and stepping back from me. I shiver and realize we both haven't changed!

"We need to find a bathroom." I say. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Were still dressed for 90 degree weather!" I say. He looks at himself. "Oops!" he says. "C'mon lets try to find somewhere not crowded!" I say. "We should wait for the others!" he says. "Nah we can just change and come back. Please! I'm freezing!" I say.

He sighs. "Okay." he says. "Yay! Leggo!" I say. The city is crazy! Maybe we should all come back on a different day. We hook arms so we don't loose each other and find McDonald's it's surprisingly not packed! We go in and go to the bathrooms and change. We all brought back packs thank god cause I don't wanna carry my clothes around.

When we get done we go the the entrance and I stop. "What?" he asks. "It's just were in Times Square!" I say. He looks around. "Yeah right where I Am Legend was filmed!" he says. "And millions of other movies." I say. We just stand there looking around. "This place is absolutely beautiful at night!" I say. "I bet!" he says. "We need to come here when it's not so crazy." I say. "Yeah we do." he says.

Peter's POV:

I see a sign that says Black Friday. Well shit! We need to get out of here! It's my turn in line. I pay for my clothes then try to search for the others. We all need some way to communicate between all of us! I find Liam. "We have to get everyone together and go home! It's Black Friday!" I say. "Yeah I guessed that." he says pointing behind me.

I look and see two women fighting over a pair of panties. Wow that's just sad! "Did you buy your clothes?" I ask. "Yeah I've just been looking for everyone." he says. "Okay well find your way outside and wait for us. Okay?" I ask. "Sure." he says. He heads to the door and I go look for he others. Every time I find someone I send them outside.

This would be so much easier if I could just fly over everyone! I find everyone except JC and Zafina! I search and search. Maybe there outside! I find my way outside and see the others. "Zafina and JC out here?" I ask. "No." Zayn says. "Shit! Well there not in there!" I say. I look around. Fuck! How do you find two people in New York City, in Times Square on Black Friday?!

We all walk around and look for them. We walk by the Good Morning America studio. There live right now. We can't even get close to the building but we can see them on a screen. "...and police are still on the search for Zafina Roberts and Trevor Moran. They've been missing since September. Last seen was at there home in Vermont of you see these two please contact the police." a lady says.

A picture of Zafina and Trevor pop up with some descriptions about both of them and the number to call if you see them. That's not good. "Trevor put your hood up and hide your face. In fact I think you should leave." I say. I only need a few boys to help me find Zafina and JC.

"What we're not shopping?" Trevor asks. "No! Are you crazy?!" I say. I call for Tink luckily everyone around us is to busy watching the news to notice us. "Tink I want you to send at least one fairy to guide Trevor, Harry, Sam, Liam and Connor back home. The rest of you stay and help search for Zafina and JC." I say.

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