Chapter 44:

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Kian's POV:

We get up and continue looking. This is hopeless! Finding two people out of probably over a million is just impossible! Plus I am fucking freezing! I bet if I say something though Peter will get angry. This is his girl and I wouldn't want people to give up of it was my girl. I feel bad for him.

Zafina is a trouble maker! She runs off with other dudes all the time! I hope she doesn't try running off with me. I wanna stay on Peter's good side! But him and Zafina do make a really cute couple I must say. Poor Sam. Although Peter did have her first. Maybe she led Sam on when they hung out and that's why he fell for her.

I don't know. I don't really know her. We stop and Peter pulls out his phone and tried calling a few times again. She needs to learn how to answer a phone! Lucky Sam, Harry, Liam, Trevor and Connor probably sitting in their asses all nice and warm in 80 degree weather! While I'm here freezing my ass off with aching feet. Uuugh!


Okay we came that way from Aéro. We need to go that way. Then we came out that way. Uh then...uh I believe came up that street. I really hope I'm right! I wanna go home! I don't really like being in one place all the time but this is to cold and to crowded for me! "Are we lost?" I hear Zafina ask. "No." I say.

Ah see there it is! We're not lost! Oh thank god!!! The one fairy is already there waiting for us! Damn they're fast! "Hello." I say to it. It's a young girl fairy. She waves and giggles. I pull Zafina next to me and we take off.

Peter's POV:

How long have we been searching? I'm hungry and cold. Very cold! I hope Zafina is okay! After like 10 minutes I feel something tugging my hair. It's Tink! I look around. Luckily were not in a very crowded place. We all stop. Another fairy is talking to Tink. I keep looking around making sure no one sees them.

After a few minutes Tink flys to my ear. "Another fairy has guided Zafina and JC back home. They were very lost." she says. "Okay. Uh guys apparently Zafina and JC are on their way back now. They were lost." I say. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Ricky wines. He covers his mouth.

"I'm sorry!" he says. "It's fine. I feel ya. Sorry I made you guys help me. I should just accept it. Zafina hates me and would rather go run away with other dudes everyday." I say.

We walk to an area where no people are and fly off. I'm not sure if I'm going to yell at Zafina when I see her or what I'm going to do. I'm very mad but also very worried. I'm always worrying about her! Maybe bringing her wasn't such a good idea.

Zafina's POV:

The wind from flying is making me colder. I look at the fairy and realize she's dressed for Neverland. Poor thing! Oh god imagine poor Tinkerbell! She's been searching with Peter for how long?! Fuck I feel terrible! I'm so stupid! We make it back, thank the fairy then she flys away. My phone starts ringing. I look it's that damn number again!

Okay fine I will answer. "Hello?" I say into the phone. I hear nothing. "Hello??" I ask. I hear some voices but can't understand them. JC is looking at me confused. "It's the number that kept calling me. I don't hear anything though." I say. "Put it on speaker phone." he says. I do. "Doesn't it bother you?" I hear. It sounds like Kian's voice.

"Doesn't what bother me?" someone asks. It sound like Peter. "Zafina running off with other guys all the time." that's Kian. The other is Peter. Their talking about me. I sit on the ground and JC does the same.

Peter's POV:

"Well I think she just wants to get to know everyone and explore the island." I say. Why is he trying to make conversation with me? It's to cold! "If my girlfriend was running off with other dudes all the time I'd be pissed." Kian says. "Well I think she just needs a break from me sometimes." I say.

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