Chapter 85

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Zafina's POV:

I get in the limo and it's one of those party limos that can fit like 10 people! Wow! I climb in behind Storm, sit, and look around. It's kind of dark but there cool looking lights along the ceiling. Jeff climbs in and sits next to me. Ugh. Storm sits diagonal from me and the other guy sits near her. The couple comes in and sits way at the end where the door is and starts making out. "Where we headed?" the guy near Storm asks.

"Where ever the driver is taking us." Storm says. She looks at him and he looks back at her. She likes him. "I'm Tyler by the way." the guy says holding a hand out to Storm. "Storm." she says smiling. "Beautiful name!" he says. "Thanks." she says blushing a little.

I roll my eyes. "I'm Zafina." I say holding my hand out to him. "Tyler, wow interesting name!" he says shaking my hand. "Yeah...I have a good friend named Ricky...yeah that's an interesting name too." I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see Storm's smile fade.

"I suppose." he says laughing a little and pulling away. I glance at Storm. She looks sad. Good. "And that's Zach and Beth." Tyler says referencing to the couple. They stop kissing. "Hey." Zach says. "Hi!" Beth says. Zach goes to kiss Beth again but she stops him. "Thank you so much for letting us in your limo!" she says smiling. "No problem." I say. They go back to kissing. I have to admit there all attractive guys but I'm in love.

Zach has short black hair that goes up in the front, brown eyes, his ears pierced, and is in pretty good shape. Tyler has brown short hair that is spiked up, has brown eyes and is REALLY built! Pretty sure there's an eight pack under that muscle shirt.

Jeff had brown short hair that's spiked up, BEAUTIFUL blue eyes, and is really tall. Storms phone rings and her face looses color when she sees who it is. Ha it's Ricky I bet. "Hi." she says. I check my phone. Nothing. Why isn't Peter calling me?

"So what are you guys doing in California?" Jeff asks me. Um... "Just visiting." I say. "Any big plans?" he asks. "No." I say. "Just vacationing?" he asks. "Yup." "How old are you?" he asks. Um...if it's already July I'm still my same age so seventeen I believe.

"Sixteen." I say. "I'm sixteen." he says. I look at Tyler. "I'm eighteen." he says. "Okay. Love you too. Bye." Storm says. She puts her phone away. "Who was that?" Tyler asks. Yeah who was that? I evilly smile. " mom." she says. Psh! I lean back and roll my eyes.

"So where are you guys from?" Jeff asks. Ha um...Neverland. Where are we from? "Florida." Storm says. Ew. No. "Wow far away!" Jeff says. "First time in Cali?" Tyler asks. "Yup." Storm says. "We live here." Jeff says.

"It's really amazing!" Tyler says. Where we live is better. "What are you guys doing at a hotel then?" Storm asks. "We were just picking them up." Jeff says referencing to Zach and Beth. "Zach is my cousin." Tyler says. "Yeah they're here for 2 weeks to visit. My phone rings and it's a FaceTime call from Peter. I smile and move away from Jeff.

I answer. "Hi! Hold on." I say. I grab my headphone out of my bag and plug them in. "Okay hi." I say. "Hi." he says in a scratchy voice. He's laying in bed. "Just wake up?" I ask. "Yeah. I can't really sleep." he says.

Can't? "What time is it there?" I ask. "Um..." he leans over to look at his clock on his nightstand. "3:25am." he says. "What?! Oh my gosh!" I say. "Yeah. What about there?" he asks. "Uh..." I can't see the time on my phone while I'm on FaceTime. I pull out a headphone.

"What time is it?" I ask Storm. She reaches for her phone. "11:19." Jeff says. Oh no. "Thanks." I say. "Who was that??" Peter asks. "Jeff." I tell him. "What?" Jeff asks. "Nothing." I say. "Who's Jeff?" Peter asks.

"A guy we met in the elevator. He has a few other friends with him." I say. "All guys?" Peter asks. "3 guys and a girl." I say. "What are they doing there?" Peter asks. I look up Tyler and Storm are talking, Zach and Beth are cuddling, and Jeff is looking at his phone.

I don't think any of them are listening to me. Maybe Jeff is. "I honestly don't know. Storm invited them." I say quieter. "Why?" he asks. I look up again. Storm and Tyler are laughing. I look back at him.

"I'm pretty sure Storm likes one of them." I say glancing up to make sure she didn't hear me. "What?! Are you serious?!" he asks."Yeah! Look for yourself!" I say. I turn the camera and point it at them. They're smiling at each other and still talking. "Show me others." Peter says.

"Okay." I say. I point it to Jeff then have to move a little to point it at Zach and Beth. "Are they making out?" he asks. I look. "Yeah they've been doing that the whole time." I say.

I turn the camera back on me. "Wait go back to the one sitting near you." he says. I point it to Jeff. He looks up at me. Oh shit. I pretend the camera is still on me and look away. He smiles and looks down. Oh no. I turn the camera back to me.

"He like you, doesn't he?" Peter asks. "I'm not sure." I say. "Ask him." he says. "What?! No!" I say. "Just do it." he says. "No! I just met him!" I say. I see Jeff look at me out of the corner of his eyes. Ah crap he is listening. "Does he know you have a boyfriend?" Peter asks. Mmmm..."Yes." I lie.

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