Chapter 66:

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Zafina's POV:

So there finally sending someone to stay with me all day when it's like 3pm! Ugh. I hate being sick! I hope this doesn't last long! "Hey let's get this party started!" I hear. There's Storm. She walks into Peter's room. "Whatcha watching?" she asks. "Funny videos." I say. "What do you wanna do?" she asks. "Feel better." I say. "I don't know how I can help you there." she says. "Can you get me my phone please?" I ask.

She gets up, gets it then plops back down on the bed. I go to notepad. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Making a list for when we go shopping." I say. I accidentally deleted the one I started in NYC. "Let's see...medicine, calendar, couch, t.v, coffee table/footrest, Xbox 360 with a kinect, 2 controllers, DVD player, some DVDs, radio, bed, sheets/blankets/pillows, lights, dresser, hangers, more clothes, toilet, sink, mirror, shower, fridge, sink, dishes, dish washer, table, food, dog bed, food and water dish, dog toys, dog brush, broom, dustpan." I say out loud.

"What about a vacuum?" she asks. "I have no rug." I say. "You should get rug." she says. "Eh maybe in the future. I like the smooth tree floor." I say. "What about cabinets?" she asks. "There built in already." I say. "Oh." she says. "I think that's all I need." I say. Charlie is laying on the bed as well. He hasn't left my side all day. "What about paint?" she asks. "Paint?! I'm not going to paint the tree walls." I say. "You should make a list." I add. "Oh by the way I have good news!" she says. "What?" I ask.

"The boys agreed to the idea of bringing more lost girls up here!" she says. "Yay!..I gotta go puke." I say and run off. Her and Charlie both follow. She holds my hair and rubs my back. After we go back I get in the bed and talk. The boys ask her questions every now and then in the walkie talkie. At about 7pm they say they're done through the walkie talkie. Storm goes off to see it. Peter comes in. "How you feeling?" he asks. "Like shit." I say. "I'm sorry baby." he says. He sits down.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and if you need to come in at any time it's okay." he says then grabs some clothes and walks out. I really hope I don't need to go to the bathroom while he's in there! After he showers and comes to bed. We both fall asleep fast. I have to keep getting up through the night. I feel terrible that I keep waking him up so I take a pillow and blanket into the bathroom and sleep there. Charlie sleeps in there with me.

**3 days later**

Everyday has been the same. All the boys go off to work on the laundry mat, Storm stays with me, Charlie follows me around, I have lunch outside, Peter sleeps with me and Storm sleeps at Ricky's. The only thing that has changed is I've been getting more and more sick. I spent pretty much all day in bed yesterday. I have a bucket next to the bed just in case and I didn't get to go outside for lunch yesterday.

Today I just feel worse. I haven't really been eating and Storm is starting to get really worried. Everyone is...but I don't want them to worry. Storm always has the walkie talkie. Ricky has the other one. Just in case for emergencies. Other boys take it from Ricky sometimes. Right now it's about 1pm I believe. "Hey the laundry mat is done! Come see!" I hear through the walkie talkie. I nod for her to go. "Be there soon!" she says into the walkie talkie.

"Watch her!" she says to Charlie. She walks out. Charlie is right up against me laying down. He's worried about me. Breathing has been getting a little hard and sometimes I cough and just can't stop for a few minutes. I feel like I'm dying! I miss the outside. When I talk my voice is all scratchy and my nose is plugged up. I lean over to the bucket and puke. I look and I see it's blood! Oh that can't be good! I continue puking blood. It hurts so bad.

She left the walkie talkie like she always does when she leaves. I pick it up. "Hello." I say weakly into it. "Hey Zafina! What's up?" it's Ricky. I haven't seen anyone but Storm, Peter and Charlie in 4 days! "Uh...I'm puking blood." I say. "Okay hold on we're coming and were going to take you to Sadhvi!" he says worryingly. "Okay." I say. A few minutes later Peter, Storm, Harry and Ricky come in. They help me get into Peter's arms and he carries me bride style. We all leave and the rest of the boys come along. Charlie follows as well.

On our way Peter tells Tink to go tell Sadhvi were coming and what's wrong. Tink flys way ahead of us and when we finally get there she's all ready for me. We go into a tent and Peter lays me down on a table. Oh I remember this tent! She checked my rat bites in here. "Okay to many people! Some have to leave I'm sorry. Only two people stay." she says.

Everyone but Storm and Peter leave. Sadhvi goes around getting stuff then comes to me. "I was afraid this was going to happen." she says. "What do you mean?" Peter asks. "Remember I said she was the first human I was testing this on? Well also all the animals I tested them on had only been dead for maybe 3 hours at the most. She had been dead for a whole day so it effected her body a lot." she says.

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