Chapter 96:

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Shawn's POV:

We stop in front of the girls house. "This is Rose." Jack says reading the paper. "Why did you come out?" Taylor asks Sylvia. "I saw you guys and Jeff told me to come out when I saw you." she says. "Ohhh. I hope he told this chic." Taylor says. Not to long later the girl comes out. She's carrying a suitcase as well but not having trouble carrying it.

I hope one of the other boys step up to help her cause my hands are full. Jack walks over to her and talks to her but I can't hear them. She smiles a little and hands him her bag. They walk over here. The girl look about seventeen, she has a lot of black makeup on, she's wearing all black, has brown eyes, but surprisingly has blonde hair.

"Rose?" Hayes asks. "Yup." she says. She has her lip and eye brow pierced. "Cool. I'm Hayes." Hayes says shaking her hand. "Mmm which one of you are Peter?" she asks looking at us. "None of us. We're just here to get you and bring you to him." Taylor says.

"Oh. I see." she says. We all walk back and go to the limo. The other boys are back with the girls they were getting already. The other girls are dressed like...strippers. I put Sylvia's suitcase in the trunk and get in.

Zafina's POV:

I excitedly introduce myself to the girls who just arrived! Ah this is amazing! I'm so excited to bring them to Neverland! We all talk the rest of the way to the hotel. I hear guests moan when they see us walk in. They probably think we're having another party. We go up and Tyler opens the door for us. I watch as his eyes get wide looking at Jackie and Hazel.

They check him out and smile. I can't help but laugh a little. The girls who we're here already are up. They still don't feel to well but they wanted to meet the girls we just got. Everyone talks for awhile and Peter pulls me away from the crowd. We go in the bedroom. He sits on the bed so I do as well. "I'm tired. I don't know about you." he says.

"Mmm yeah kind of." I say. "I say we stay here for tonight then leave tomorrow." he says. I miss home! "No! It's nighttime and the girls are all packed and ready to leave. They're anxious to leave." I say. "But we're all so tired. I think I'd be easier to just stay here." Peter says. "I don't. We'll have to wait till tomorrow night anyway since we have to leave at night." I say.

He sighs. "Where are they ever going to sleep back home?" he asks. "Me and Storm's place." I say. He's silent for a minute. Thinking I guess. "Alright. We'll leave tonight. I'll call the guys and them to get ready to help with the girls." he says. "Yay!" I cheer hugging him. I can't wait for the lost boys to meet the lost girls!!! I'm glad everyone will have a girlfriend! ...wait will they?

How many lost boys are there?! I count in my head. There's eleven all together but only nine need girlfriends. We have...eight lost girls. Eight?! Oh no! "Peter we only have eight lost girls! We need nine!" I say frantically. "Sam brought one of his friends he said needed to be saved." he says. Phew. I kiss him and get up. We go out and tell everyone we're leaving tonight.

They're all excited. Minutes later everyone's running around getting ready. It's a mad house! It looks like that scene form Home Alone when they're all getting ready in the morning! I look out of the sliding door to the balcony and see Jeff. He's looking out at the city and has his back to me. I walk out and close the door behind me.

"You okay?" I ask. "Oh..uh yeah." he says. I walk next to him and look at him. I know he's lying. He looks at me and let's out a deep breath. "Alright I'm not's're're all leaving...and I'm staying..." he says sadly. Awe poor Jeff! "I'm sorry!" I say hugging him. "You helped a lot! I'll never forget you! You saved my life!" I say.

We pull back from the hug. I kiss him on the cheek. "I'll never forget you Jeff!" I say again. "I'll miss you." he says. "Hey you've got my number! We can still talk!" I say. "Yeah.." he says. "Zafina!" I hear someone call. "Well I gotta go. Thank you for everything!" I say hugging him again. I run back in and help everyone plus pack my stuff. Finally what seems like hours later we're all ready.

Everyone walks out and I take one last look at the beautiful penthouse. So many memories in such little time! We checkout then go to the park where we're meeting some of the lost boys and some fairies to help us back. We're all crammed in since there's so many of us and all have bags! We get to the park and JC, Sam, and Kian are here plus some fairies including Tinker Bell!

I hug them all! I've missed them! They meet the lost girls and the group of guys who helped us today. We all say goodbye and saying goodbye to Jeff was extremely hard! He's become such a good friend! Peter pays the driver a huge tip and asks to drive the boys home. The fairies sprinkle fairy dust on the girls and they lift off the ground. The fairies then direct their bags and our bags then begin to go home.

The lost girls with the help of the lost boys begin home. Ricky, Storm, and Peter go with them. I fly up not to far behind but stop and look at Jeff. He's about to get in the limo but he looks at me. I wave and half smile. He waves back. I turn back and catch up with Peter. He smiles and takes my hand. I smile and move closer to him. I love this boy so much!

We go home and the other lost boys are waiting. They all meet and we get the girls stuff into mine and Storm's houses. We all get settled and everyone goes to bed. Half the girls sleep in my house and half in Storm's. I get in my room and Charlie walks in with me. I get ready for bed which is so nice to do in my own room and bathroom again!

When I'm done I get in bed and just don't feel right. I get my phone and text Peter: "Can I sleep with you tonight?😜🙈" not to long later he responds with: "Of coarse! You're aloud in my bed anytime!😏👌" I laugh and sneak out and fly to Peter's. I look up at the moon and look around. As beautiful as a city is, nothing beats this! I knock on his door and he answers just wearing his boxers!

He moves out of the way and I go in. I slide down the slide and then wait for him. He takes my hand and we go to his room. I stare at him as we walk. He gets to his room and runs to jump on his bed. I run and jump on his bed too. Ah yes! This is the bed I missed! Mmhmm! "Charlie had been sleeping in your spot here." he says.

"Oh I'm sorry do you want to sleep with him?" I joke getting up. "No!" he pulls me to him. "As much as I love him I love you more." he says. I'm facing him and his arms are wrapped around me. I left my leg up on his side. I place my hand on his cheek. I raise an eye brow and move my hand back and forth. "I know I need to shave." he says. I giggle and kiss him.

We make out and he runs his hands all over me. I've missed his touch. I just seriously LOVE everything about him! We make love for most of the night. I've missed him in that way as well! We fall asleep naked cuddling.

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