Chapter 39:

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Zafina's POV:

I don't know what's gotten into me lately! I'm not usually the kind of person that's all sexual and moving fast in a relationship. But its different with Peter. I mean were not technically in a relationship and were not even on Earth! I follow him into his house. I want to go see all the new houses they built tomorrow.

I gotta poop. That's embarrassing. I need a shower. I need clean clothes. I follow him into the bedroom. "Uh Peter I gotta go take a shower and change." I say. "I have to as well. I'll just take a shower with you." he says. "What?!" I ask. "I'm kidding." he says laughing. I laugh a little. "I'll just take one after you." he says.

I grab clean clothes then walk out. I go into the bathroom and close the door. I set my clean clothes and two towels on a shelf near the shower. I play music from my phone and kinda blast it so he can't hear me pooping. After I strip and hop in the nice warm shower.

Even though its warm out I'm kind of cold from wearing damp clothes in the dark. I clean myself and shave then dry myself off and get in clean clothes. I feel so nice and clean and refreshed. I brush and floss my teeth. He's going to be in here next. The mirror is covered in fog. I draw. "I love you" with a heart then smile.

I pick up my dirty clothes then walk out. I close the door behind me and throw my clothes in the laundry room. I walk to Peter's room and he walks by me with clean clothes in his hands. As we pass each other he stops me and flips me back and kisses me then tips me back up.

I laugh and continue walking. I walk in the room and pull my phone charger out. I'm SO glad they have electricity and stuff here! I plug in in the wall and remember the pictures. I take my phone and walk to the bed. I plop down and unlock my phone. I look at the pictures.

Damn these are sexy! I wonder how the ones of me turned out. I hear a vibration. I look and it's not my phone. I follow the noise and find Peter's phone. The name "Storm" comes up of someone calling. Should I answer? Nah. Thats weird how he has a friend named Storm. My bestfriend's name is Storm.

I never meet anyone else with her name before. Neither as she. I want to meet this Storm. I slide his screen up and take a horrible picture of me doing a silly face. I lock his screen and set it back where it was. I lay back down on the bed laying on my stomach. I scroll through the picture of him and delete the blurry ones.

I am keeping these forever and ever! I should make one his contact picture. Wait I don't even have his number! How weird! I will get it. I can't believe all my profiles got deleted! How am I so post to fan girl now?! Ugh. I go back to the pictures of him.

All of the sudden something lands on my back. "Starring at me I see." Peter says. "Hell yeah. Look!" I say. I scroll through all the pictures. I'm on my stomach and he's laying on top of me. He reaches to my screen and tries to delete one.

"No!" I say locking my screen. He takes my phone and rolls off me. "Peter!" I say. He stands up next to the bed. "What's your password?" he asks. "Not telling you." I say. "C'mon I'll tell you mine." he says. Eh I don't know. "Please!" he says leaning in my face giving me puppy eyes. Aw!

"Fine. But we both have to promise not to to delete ANYTHING or change anything or whatever." I say. "Deal." he says. He walks over and grabs his phone. He sits next to me and hands me his phone. I slide up so my back is back up against the back board. He does the same but next to me. "8573" he says. I do it and it unlocks.

"0911" I say. He does it. I first go to his camera roll and look at the pictures of me. "Oh." "Oh!" "Oh my gosh!" I comment on everyone. I hate to admit I don't look that bad but I still hate my appearance and always will. "Okay. Can I please delete this one?" I ask.

"Which one?" he says looking at me. " I just took when you were in the shower. It's really bad." I say. "Let me see it first." he says. "Uh..." I say. "C'mon." he says. "Make me." I smile. He sets my phone down and moves closer to me. He slams my legs open and rubs me over my pants. He runs his lips all up and down my neck.

"Please." he says. "Okay." I breath. He chuckles. He makes out with me. I runs my hands in his hair as usual. He stops and picks my phone up. He looks at me. I get his phone and have to unlock it again. I go to the picture. I look at him and hand it to him then hide my face. "Baby you look gorgeous!" he says.

"No I don't." I say still hiding my face. "You always do!" he says. I uncover my face and kiss him. I take his phone back and look through all his pictures. Then I look through all his music. He doesn't have Twitter or anything like that either. I go to his contacts and add me. I use my favorite picture of me from in front of the sunset and save it.

I look at him to make sure he's not watching me. I go to the side and go to S's then look for Storm. I'll know if its my bestfriend because I have her number memorized. "What are you doing?" he asks leaning over. "Nothing!" I say hitting the home button like a million times. He raises an eye brow.

"You have a missed call. I'm not sure from who." I say. "Thanks." he says. We trade back. I go to my contacts and add him. I need his number. "Hey Peter?" I ask. "Yeah?" he asks. "What's your phone number?" I ask. He says it and I choose my favorite picture of him naked and save it. "Hold on I have to call this person back." he says getting up.

He walks out and closes the door. The temptation to get up and go to the door and press my ear up to it is overwhelming! I need something to distract me. Okay...uh...a game! I could play a game on my phone. I go on Candy Crush. A few minutes later I hear Peter laugh.

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