Chapter 95:

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Zafina's POV:

"I myself would LOVE to be a lost girl and go up there!" the girl says. All the other girls agree and we continue introducing ourselves. We rescued 4 girls. One is named Adaline, she has red hair and green eyes. Another girl is named Fae, she has brown hair and brown eyes. Another girl is named Lovifa, she has brown hair and brown eyes but her hair is longer and darker than Fae's.

The last girl is named Sabrina, she has brown hair and brown eyes as well but looks maybe a year younger than the rest of them. They're all not that well dressed and need showers. But I don't blame them. "The rest of the girls we have to wait till dark to get." Jeff says. "What do we do till then?" Matt asks. Jeff shrugs. "I think we should just go back to the hotel and relax, eat, take showers, swim, whatever." Peter says. Everyone agrees.

I'm not swimming in that pool! Tyler? What happened to him?! "Where's Tyler?" I ask Jeff. "He stayed at the hotel cause he wasn't feeling well this morning." Jeff says. "Oh." I say. We get back to the hotel and everyone goes in. I'm glad we have a penthouse now cause all these people wouldn't fit in a normal size room! Everyone goes off and does different things. Storm goes to talk to Tyler which I'm surprised she does.

The girls go and take turns showering. They give me their clothes so I can see their sizes. Me and Peter go out to buy some clothes for them. I have no idea where to shop. We walk out and get in the limo. "Finally alone." Peter says to me. "Mmhmm." I say smiling snuggling up to him. "I don't ever wanna be apart from you for long again." I say into his neck. "Same here." he says. I smile up at him.

"I love you." he says playing with my hair. "I love you too." I say. We kiss then go back to cuddling. The driver brings us to an area where there's a bunch of stores lined up like an outdoor mall. We walk around and shop for awhile. It's so fun being here with Peter! We go back to the hotel and drop off clothes for the girls and grab our bathing suits. We go to a beach for the rest of the day till dinner time.

We get back into the limo covered in salt water and sand. We make out hot and heavy till we get to the hotel where we shower together. We don't have sex but it's very sensual. After we have the bedroom to ourselves where we cuddle and watch the sun set out the window. When dark finally comes we all get ready to go out except the girls they are sleeping and recovering from the drugs.

Tyler is also staying to watch over the girls since he's feeling better but not perfect. We all get into the limo and head off. I'm not sure where we're going. We drive a little ways then stop. I look around. Where are we? We're in a parking lot. The driver opens the door and we all get out. "Alright I say we all split up." Jeff says. Ooo Jeff is in charge and making the plans I bet Peter hates that right now!

I look at Peter. Yup he's standing listening to Jeff with his arms crossed and a pissed look on his face. I'm not listening to Jeff even though I should be. All of the sudden people start moving around. What's happening? "I love you." Peter says kissing me then walking away.

What?! I look everyone's walking away except Matt! "What's going on?!" I ask. "You weren't listening to Jeff?" he asks. Obviously not. "We're staying here while they find lost girls." he says. I sigh and get back in the limo.

Peter's POV:

I follow Jeff. Aaron and Jack J are with us. We walk a few blocks till we stop at a building that's attached to another buildings. I look up and see a sign that says "Nighties" with a girl laying down, lifting her leg up over the word. Oh boy. We walk in and nobody IDs us or anything! There's girls wearing barley anything walking around everywhere. I look and see girls who are half naked dancing on poles.

Some are completely naked! We walk up to the bar counter. "Stay here I'll be right back." Jeff says. We sit on stools that spin. I'm sick of that guy bossing me around! "What would you boys like?" someone asks from behind us. I turn and see a women with big boobs wearing a tight shirt that's so low I can pretty much see her boobs completely! "We're fine thank you. Just waiting for someone." Jack says.

"Let me know if you want anything." she says. She moves more towards me. "Anything." she says lustfully and winks at me then walks away. I turn back. Aaron and Jack are laughing. "Get some!" Aaron says smiling at me. I roll my eyes. A girl comes up and sits right on Aaron's lap! Aaron is in the middle of me and Jack. I'm on Aaron's right.

"Hey there." the girl says to Aaron. The girl has dirty blonde wavy long hair, she has blue eyes, a ton of makeup on and clothes that you can see half her ass cheeks, have her boobs and her stomach out of! "Um...hi..." Aaron say awkwardly. Jack laughs. I smirk evilly at Aaron. Paybacks a bitch! "What do you want big boy?" she asks lustfully.

I lift an eye brow still smirking. "Uhh..uhh..we're just waiting for someone. I don't want anything thank you." Aaron stutters. I laugh. "Ohh you're with these two?" she asks looking at me and Jack smiling all sexy like. Aaron nods. She get off Aaron and moves towards me! No stay away! Go to Jack! Please go to Jack! "What about you?" she asks putting her hands on my shoulders and moving her body in between my legs.

"Nothing. Thank you." I try to say nicely. "You don't want anything from me?" she asks lifting her leg up and placing it on my leg. "No! I don't!" I say pushing her. "I have a girlfriend!" I add. "So?" she asks like it's nothing. "So! I love her and I don't cheat!" I say annoyed still pushing her. "Oh c'mon! One night of having fun won't hurt!" she says rubbing her hand up my leg.

I grab her hand. "Seriously stop! I don't want anything!" I say pissed. "But-" "Diamond! Lay off him!" someone cuts her off. I look and Jeff and some girl I don't know are standing there. She sighs and gets off me. Thank you! Fucking finally! The other girl has light blonde hair, blue eyes and is wearing more makeup then the girl who was all over me is.

She's also dressed sluttier! The girls talk. Please don't tell me these are the girls we're taking! Aaron motions Jeff over to us. "Are those the girls we're taking?" Aaron asks Jeff. "Yup!" Jeff says smiling. I groan. "You guys can wait outside if you want. I'll be right out." Jeff says. Before he finishes I'm already up and beginning to walk out. I want to get out of this place!

I want to be with Zafina! I walk out and Aaron and Jack follow. A few minutes later Jeff and the girls come out. The girls have little bags with them. They are all jumpy and screamy the whole way back to the limo because they're excited. They're annoying as fuck!

Finally we make it back and I get in and sit right next to Zafina wrapping my arms around her. She smiles and wraps her arms around me. The others come in and we all talk. Well I don't talk. About 10 minutes later the other guys come back with two girls. I wonder how their night went.

Taylor's POV:

We all split up and Jeff gives Shawn a paper. We begin to walk. This is bullshit! I want to go to the strip club! Oh well. Hayes, Shawn, and Jack G are with me. We're going to get two girls that Jeff apparently went to group counseling with. The paper he gave Shawn has their address on it. I get directions on my phone. They're not that far away. We get to the first one.

"Do we just knock on the door?" Hayes asks. "No! Of coarse not!" I say. "Could we like break in some how?" Shawn asks. "What if they have alarms?" Jack asks. "I don't know." Shawn says. Shit. What do we do? All of the sudden the front door opens. Uh oh! A girl walks out trying to carry a big suitcase. Shawn runs over and helps her.

The girl looks about 16, has medium length curly blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a nice body. Her and Shawn walk over to us. "You must be..." Jack starts looking down at the paper. "Sylvia." he says. "Yup. You must be angels!" she says. "Actually we're just delivery people." Hayes says laughing a little.

She laughs. "Well thank you anyway!" she says. "We have to go pick up another girl. Is that okay?" Shawn asks. "Yes of coarse!" she says. We begin for the next girls house, Shawn is carrying Sylvia's bag. We turn down another road, then another and we finally find her house.

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