Chapter 56:

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Zafina's POV:

Storm was the person who was always there for me. She's saved me plenty of times. I love her and I'm so glad she's here! "I have the things." I say when a song ends. "Well go get then girl!" she says. We set up the things and use them. A few more songs that we love play and we just continue dancing and singing all around!

This is so much fun! We stop the music and go to the machine. The machine is something me and her have had for years. We're in love with it! We start the machine and use it.

Peter's POV:

I walk out and go to Ricky's. I knock. "Oh hey Peter." he says. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I ask. "Uh.. yeah of coarse!" he says letting me in. "You get in a fight?" he asks. "No she just wants a night with Storm." I say. "Speaking of her what do you know about her?" he asks closing the door and walking over to me. "You're in loooovvveee!" I say smiling. "No!" he says. Lies! "Ricky and Storm sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I tease.

He playfully hits me. I set up my bed on his couch. "So what do you know?" he asks. "Not much. I know she's Zafina's bestfriends uh she's from know her phone number...that's about it." I say. "You should as Zafina she'd know more...or just ask Storm yourself!" I add. He sighs. Yup he's in love. All of the sudden I hear music. "You playing music?" I ask. "No." he says.

We both look towards the door. We walk to it and open it. We fly out only a few feet from the door. Other boys have opened their doors to wondering where the music is coming from. Ricky closes his door and we follow the sound. Some of the other boys follow. We follow the music to my house! Oh no! We open the door and sneak in. We peek in and see Zafina and Storm dancing around crazily.

The lights are off besides cool colored laser lights. Where'd they come from? Wow I've never seen Zafina like that! They shut the music off and go to a machine. What is that? They turn it on and music starts. Ah it's a karaoke machine! I don't think I've ever heard Zafina sing!

Zafina's POV:

Music starts. It's one of my favorite songs! I look at Storm and smile. I guess I'm going first. I grab the mic. "Turn on that radio. As loud as it can go. Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground." I begin singing. Play My Music by the Jonas Brothers! Good song! I don't care of they're not a band anymore this is a good song! I continue singing it. Storm dances and I do the same. Damn I'm getting sweaty! Were both wearing sports bras underneath.

When it gets to the chorus I take my shirt off. I pretend to be all sexy about it. "Woooo!" Storm yells. I laugh. I sing and dance in p.j shorts and a sports bra. Storm jumps on the table and takes her shirt off. Now its like old times! She got me into sports bras. I used to never wear them now I wear them everyday thanks to her! The song ends. We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus comes on and I hand the mic to Storm.

She loves this song! "Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere. Hands in the air like we don't care." she sings. Oh no. She get's to into this song. The chorus starts and she starts dancing really crazily! I dance too. The song ends and we go back and forth with songs. After a little while we turn off the karaoke machine and just play music again. This is so much fun! All The Time remix by Keys N' Krates starts.

I look at Storm with a evil grin. "Oh no!" she says. "Oh yeah!" I say. I love this song! I get really into this song! I dirty dance a little...okay a lot. Thats only because Storm started twerking!

Peter's POV:

Wow Zafina is an amazing singer! They stop singing and start playing music again. A song I don't know starts and Zafina gives Storm a evil grin. They start dirty dancing! Damn Zafina is sexy!

Zafina's POV:

The song ends and Ice Cream Sammich by Jeydon Wale starts. I love this song! It makes me hungry. I dance to the fridge and get a bottle of whip cream out. I spray it in my mouth. Mmm yummy! I fly over to Storm and spray it on her face. "Whoa! I wanna fly!" she says. "Gotta get Tink." I say. I spray some in her mouth then put it back. When I go back to Storm she's holding a foam sword.

Where did she get that from?! I happen to find one. Peter has some random shit in his house I'm now realizing. We sword fight. Flying gives me a huge advantage! A slow song comes on. We slow dance very terribly. We laugh the whole time! After hours of doing random shit we finally get tired out. We literally just fall on the couch and fall asleep!

Peter's POV:

After awhile they finally shut the music off and plop down. Most of the boys have left besides me, Ricky, JC, Sam and Harry. I go in and shut the lights off and walk outside. "That was...interesting." Ricky says on the way back. "My bum is numb!" I say. He laughs. "Mine too bro!" he says. When we get to his house we pass out.

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